This project demonstrates how to make useof BERT enoder to train a multi label text classification problem. I have used the popular toxic comment classsifcation dataset from Kaggle. This project makes use of Bert-as-a-service project.
- Python >= 3.5
- TensorFlow >= 1.10
- Keras
- bert-serving-server and bert-serving-client
- Install bert-serving-server and bert-serving-client using the below commands
pip install bert-serving-server
pip install bert-serving-client
- Download the bert base uncased model from here or using the below command
wget && unzip
- Start the bert-serving-server
bert-serving-start -model_dir uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/ -num_worker=2 -max_seq_len 50
Note: If you pass the max_seq_len parameter as None, the service will find the max length from each batch of text and use it for padding/truncating
Download the toxic text classification dataset from kaggle
Run the training script
bert-serving-client objcet will bind to the server and encode the list of text which is being passed, into a (n, 768) dimension vector. Here n is the number of input sentences.
On top of this encoded vector we add a couple of dense layers to get the prediction.
I have used sigmoid + focal loss as loss function instead of usual sigmoid + binary crross entropy to tackle the class imbalnce problem in multi label predictions Also, instead of simple accuracy, AUCis being used.
Result will be updated soon.