select folder 'web'
- Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
select folder 'server'
- Install dependencies:
$ yarn install
- Execute migrations :
$ yarn knex:migrate
$ yarn start
POST https://localhost:3333/users
Body: { "name": "Ray", "age": 21, "gender": "Male", "latitude": "12121212", "longitude": "23232323", "water": 200, "weapon": 100, "medicine": 300, "food": 600 }
Response: Status 201 if all correctly { "user": "Ray 444", "id": 9 }
PUT https://localhost:3333/users Body: { "user_id": 5, "new_longitude": 4, "new_latitude": 4 }
Response: 201 { "message": "Location updated" }
PUT https://localhost:3333/users/flag
Body: { "user_id": 2 }
Response: { "message": "User flagged", "status": "user confirmed as infected" }
PUT https://localhost:3333/users/trade
Body: { "offer_user_id": 7, "requested_user_id": 8, "ou_water": 5, "ou_food": 0, "ou_weapons": 0, "ou_medicines" :5, "ru_water" :0, "ru_food" :6, "ru_weapons" :6, "ru_medicines" :0
Responses: 200 OK if trade success { "message": "Successfull Trade", "offer_user_inventory": { "water": 170, "food": 636, "weapons": 136, "medicines": 270 }, "requested_user_inventory": { "water": 230, "food": 564, "weapons": 64, "medicines": 330 } }
If any selected survivals are infected the trade won't happen and a 400 status wil be returned If the required amount for some item to be traded is higher than available a 400 status will be returned If both users items point for trade don't match, the trade won't happen and a 400 status will be returned
GET https://localhost:3333/reports/infected
Response: { "Survivors": 9, "Infected": 4, "Infected_percentage": 44.44444444444444 }
GET https://localhost:3333/reports/not-infected
Response: { "Survivors": 9, "Not_Infected": 5, "Not_infected_percentage": 55.55555555555556 }
GET https://localhost:3333/reports/avg-items
Response: { "Survivors": 5, "AVG_water": 121.6, "AVG_food": 364.8, "AVG_weapon": 60.8, "AVG_medicine": 182.4 }
GET https://localhost:3333/reports/lost-points
{ "user_id": 8 }
{ "Survivor_id": 8, "Lost_points": 13800 }