libmpd-haskell is a pure Haskell client library for MPD, the music playing daemon. Requires MPD version 0.19 or later.
- Latest release on Hackage
git clone
With cabal-install, do
cd libmpd-haskell && cabal install
With GHCi:
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> import Network.MPD
> withMPD $ lsInfo ""
Right [LsDirectory "Tool", LsDirectory "Tom Waits",...]
> withMPD $ add "Tom Waits/Big Time"
Right ["Tom Waits/Big Time/01 - 16 Shells from a Thirty-Ought-Six.mp3",...]
Any deviation from the latest version of the MPD protocol reference is a bug.
See our bug tracker. Test cases are highly appreciated.
To submit a patch, use git format-patch
and email the resulting file(s) to
one of the developers or upload it to the bug tracker.
Alternatively you can create your own fork of the GitHub repository and send a pull request.
Well-formatted patches are appreciated. New features should have a test case.
- vimus, an MPD client with vim-like keybindings
- API documentation
- MPD protocol reference
- Using GitHub
- #vimus @
libmpd-haskell is distributed under the MIT license.
See CONTRIBUTORS in the source distribution. Feel free to add yourself to this list if you deem it appropriate to do so.