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Tags: vim/vim-history



Toggle vim-6-4-010's commit message
Patch 6.4.010 (extra)

Problem:    VMS: Reading typed characters in console mode is inefficient and
	    may not read escape sequences correctly.
Solution:   Improve the vms_read() function. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
Files:	    src/os_vms.c


Toggle vim-6-4-009's commit message
Patch 6.4.009 (after 6.4.002)

Problem:    VMS: Updating the viminfo file fails.
Solution:   Avoid using fdopen(). (Zoltan Arpadffy)
Files:	    src/ex_cmds.c


Toggle vim-6-4-008's commit message
Patch 6.4.008

Problem:    Hang in search for 'hlsearch' highlighting. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
Solution:   Skip over (multi-byte) character instead of single byte.
Files:	    src/screen.c


Toggle vim-6-4-007's commit message
Patch 6.4.007

Problem:    Crash when expanding a file name argument in backticks. (Adri
Solution:   Check for the NUL after the expansion result.
Files:	    src/os_unix.c


Toggle vim-6-4-006's commit message
Patch 6.4.006

Problem:    ":argedit 1234.c" edits the file ".c". (Karsten Hopp)
Solution:   Don't accept a count for ":argedit", ":argadd" and ":argdelete".
Files:	    src/ex_cmds.h


Toggle vim-6-4-005's commit message
Patch 6.4.005

Problem:    When truncating a message with multi-byte characters the '<' may
	    be written before the buffer. (Pawel S. Veselov)
Solution:   Don't write the '<' when there is sufficient room.
Files:	    src/message.c


Toggle vim-6-4-004's commit message
Patch 6.4.004

Problem:    "go" does not work correctly in combination with 'virtualedit'.
	    (Alojz Motesicky)
Solution:   Reset the "coladd" field.
Files:	    src/memline.c


Toggle vim-6-4-003's commit message
Patch 6.4.003 (after 6.4.002)

Problem:    Build problem on non-Unix systems.
Solution:   Use stat() instead of lstat().
Files:	    src/fileio.c


Toggle vim-6-4-002's commit message
Patch 6.4.002

Problem:    Unix: There is a small chance that the ownership of the wrong file
	    is changed.
Solution:   Use fchown() instead of chown() for the viminfo file and the
	    backup file.
Files:	    src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c


Toggle vim-6-4-001's commit message
Patch 6.4.001 (extra)

Problem:    Win32: Can't compile the Global IME code.
Solution:   Change "hwnd" to "hWnd". (Yongwei)
Files:	    src/glbl_ime.cpp