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Repository files navigation


PRs Welcome

Plugin Manager

  • pathogen - Manage your runtimepath with ease.
  • vim-plug - Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager.
  • Vundle - Plug-in manager for Vim.
  • neobundle - Next generation Vim package manager. (stop developement)
  • dein.vim - Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager.

Version Control

  • vim-fugitive - Use git command in VIM.
  • vimagit - From a very single vim buffer, you can perform main git operations in few key press.
  • gina - Asynchronously control git repositories in Neovim/Vim 8

VCS side column indicator

  • vim-gitgutter - It shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/undoes hunks.
  • vim-signify - Similar to vim-gitgutter, supports more VCS tools, but missing several git-specific features.
  • changesPlugin - Similar to vim-gitgutter, supports more VCS tools, but missing several git-specific features.


  • vim-airline - Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.
  • powerline - Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome, i3 and Qtile.
  • lightline - A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim.


  • Recover.vim - A Plugin to show a diff, whenever recovering a buffer.

Session file utilities

File Manager

  • nerdtree - The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and directories.
  • nerdtree-git-plugin - A plugin of NERDTree showing git status.
  • v - Open recently edited files, no matter where you are in the filesystem.
  • defx - The dark powered file explorer implementation
  • defx-git - Git status implementation for defx

Filetype Plugins

  • csv.vim - A Filetype plugin for csv files.
  • vim-json - A better JSON for Vim.

File Searcher

  • ctrlp - Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim.
  • ack.vim - Keywords search tool from Vim, with an enhanced results list.
  • fzf.vim - Integrated fzf with Vim. (Required: fzf - General-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.)
  • denite.nvim - Search files, buffers, commands, and more.

Grep/Ack/Ag pattern search tools

  • ack.vim - Keywords search tool from Vim, with an enhanced results list.
  • ag.vim - Vim plugin for the_silver_searcher, ag, a replacement for the Perl module / CLI script ack.
  • vim-grepper - Helps you win at grep, supports many common grep tools (ag, ack, git grep, sift, pt, findstr).

Integration with Other Applications

  • w3m.vim - w3m (a console-based web browser) plugin for vim.
  • gist-vim - This is a vimscript for creating gists
  • Tmux relatives.
    • tmuxline.vim - Simple tmux statusline generator with support for powerline symbols and statusline / airline / lightline integration.
    • vim-tbone - Tmux basics.
    • vim-tmux-focus-events - Make terminal vim and tmux work better together.
    • vim-tmux-navigator - Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits.

Malware Analysis

  • FileInsight-plugins - Tiny plugins for McAfee FileInsight hex editor useful for various kind of decoding tasks in malware analysis.
