The SDK will run on Mac OSX machines only.
Documentation on how to use the OData toolkit for Objective-C can be found in the project web site.
Do you need help using the project, or do you want to request a feature or bug fix?
- To get some help: use the Discussions tool on our CodePlex project page.
- To request a feature or report a bug: use the issue tracker on gitHub.
Fork and go. To contribute back, send us a pull request. Check out our milestones to see the areas where we are actively seeking help.
|-- framework
| |
| |
| |----- bin
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| |-- ODatagenBinary
| | |
| | |-- odatagen [Proxy generation tool]
| |
| |
| |-- odatalib
| |
| |-- lib
| | |
| | |-- iPhoneDeviceLibs [OData toolkit static library built for different device SDK versions]
| | |
| | |
| | |-- iPhoneSimulatorLibs [OData toolkit static library built for different simulator SDK versions]
| |
| |
| |
| |-- include
| |
| |-- Azure [contains files for using OData toolkit library against Windows Azure tables]
| |
| |-- Common [contains commonly used class definition files for dictionary, collection,
| | guid, http proxy, reflection helper.Utility classes for Azure ACS and Azure
| | Table authentication and xsl file for code generation]
| |
| |-- Context [Contains class definition files for context tracking, AtomPub generation,
| | query and stream processing files]
| |
| |-- Credential [Contains class definition files for credentials]
| |
| |-- Exception [Contains class definition files for exceptions]
| |
| |-- Interfaces [Interface definitions]
| |
| |-- Parser [AtomPub parser]
| |
| |-- WebUtil [Utility files for handling normal and batch http request-response]
|-- Sample [Contains sample iPhone application]
| |
| |----- DataMarket [NEW: Azure datamarket sample program]
| |
| |----- Netflix [Netflix sample program]
| |
| |----- [Sample client for OData website demo producers]
|-- Readme.txt [This file, one which is being read, contains files and directory information]
|-- License.txt [Contains license information]