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Ben McClelland edited this page Mar 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

Download Gateway

Download release binary

Download a release binary from Releases

Build from source

This assumes you have a Go compiler installed

  • Clone repo
git clone
  • Build project
cd versitygw

Run Gateway

Create backend directory if it doesn't already exist

mkdir /tmp/gw

Start Gateway

Set the root account credentials with the ROOT_ACCESS_KEY and ROOT_SECRET_KEY environment variables. These can alternatively be set with --access and --secret cli options.

ROOT_ACCESS_KEY=myaccess ROOT_SECRET_KEY=mysecret ./versitygw posix /tmp/gw
versitygw --access myaccess --secret mysecret posix /tmp/gw

Test client interactions

Using aws cli

Set client credentials to root account.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=myaccess
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=mysecret

Create a bucket. Replace with server IP if gateway running on different host.

aws --endpoint-url http: s3 mb s3:https://mybucket

Upload a file "localfile" to the S3 gateway calling it "/test/file" within the bucket we just created.

aws --endpoint-url http: s3 cp localfile s3:https://mybucket/test/file
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