- You need to have the Tensorflow C API installed. Look here for details.
- Clone this repository and
into it - Run
mix deps.get
to install the dependencies - Run
mix compile
to compile the code - Open up
usingiex -S mix
Reading in a pretrained graph defintion file
This is the first step of the Inference process in Tensorflow/Tensorflex. For this example we read in the Inception Google model available for download here. The file name is
. The example is as follows:iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph("classify_image_graph_def.pb") 2018-05-17 23:36:16.488469: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:137] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA 2018-05-17 23:36:16.774442: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_def_util.cc:334] OpBatchNormWithGlobalNormalization is deprecated. It will cease to work in GraphDef version 9. Use tf.nn.batch_normalization(). Successfully imported graph #Reference<0.1610607974.1988231169.250293> iex(2)> op_list = Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph ["softmax/biases", "softmax/weights", "pool_3/_reshape/shape", "mixed_10/join/concat_dim", "mixed_10/tower_2/conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower_2/conv/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower_2/conv/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower_2/conv/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower_2/conv/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv_1/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower_1/mixed/conv/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv_1/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv_1/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv_1/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv_1/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv_1/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower_1/conv/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv_1/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv_1/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower/mixed/conv/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/tower/conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/tower/conv/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/tower/conv/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/tower/conv/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/tower/conv/conv2d_params", "mixed_10/conv/batchnorm/moving_variance", "mixed_10/conv/batchnorm/moving_mean", "mixed_10/conv/batchnorm/gamma", "mixed_10/conv/batchnorm/beta", "mixed_10/conv/conv2d_params", "mixed_9/join/concat_dim", ...]
Matrix capabilities
- Matrices are created using
which takesnumber of rows
,number of columns
and list(s) of matrix data as inputs matrix_pos
help get the value stored in the matrix at a particular row and columnsize_of_matrix
returns a tuple of the size of matrix as{number of rows, number of columns}
returns the data of the matrix as list of lists
iex(1)> m = Tensorflex.create_matrix(2,3,[[2.2,1.3,44.5],[5.5,6.1,3.333]]) #Reference<0.1012898165.3475636225.187946> iex(2)> Tensorflex.matrix_pos(m,2,1) 5.5 iex(3)> Tensorflex.size_of_matrix m {2, 3} iex(4)> Tensorflex.matrix_to_lists m [[2.2, 1.3, 44.5], [5.5, 6.1, 3.333]]
- Matrices are created using
Tensor usage
- Numeral Tensors:
- Basically
handles numeral tensors. It has two variants: one that takes in just 1 argument and the other which takes in 2 arguments - The one which takes 1 argument is just for making a tensor out of a single number
- The 2 argument variant is actually more important and is used for multidimensional Tensors
- Here, the first argument is the values and the second consists of the dimensions of the Tensor. Both these are matrices
- Basically
iex(1)> dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,3,[[1,1,3]]) #Reference<0.3771206257.3662544900.104749> iex(2)> vals = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,3,[[245,202,9]]) #Reference<0.3771206257.3662544900.104769> iex(3)> Tensorflex.float64_tensor 123.12 {:ok, #Reference<0.3771206257.3662544897.110716>} iex(4)> {:ok, ftensor} = Tensorflex.float64_tensor(vals,dims) {:ok, #Reference<0.3771206257.3662544897.111510>} iex(5)> Tensorflex.tensor_datatype ftensor {:ok, :tf_double}
- String Tensors:
iex(1)> {:ok, str_tensor} = Tensorflex.string_tensor "1234" {:ok, #Reference<0.1771877210.87949316.135871>} iex(2)> Tensorflex.tensor_datatype str_tensor {:ok, :tf_string}
- Numeral Tensors:
Running sessions
Sessions are basically used to run a set of inputs all through the operations in a predefined graph and obtain prediction outputs
To exemplify the working of the entire prediction pipeline, I am going to use the simple toy graph created by the script in
. Upon running the script you should have a graph definition file calledgraphdef.pb
. You can also download this file stored in my Dropbox here. -
Then I would recommend going through the
file to get an idea of what the operations are. The code basically works like a very simple matrix multiplication of some predefined weights with the input and then the addition of the biases. Ideally the weights should be ascertained through training but since this is a toy example they are predefined (look here in the code). -
The more important thing to notice in the
file are the operations where the input is fed and where the output is obtained. It is important to know the names of these operations as when we perform Inference the input will be fed to that named input operation and the output will be obtained similarly. The names of the operations are required to run sessions. In our toy example, the input operation is assigned the name "input" (look here in the code) and the output operation is assigned the name "output" (look here in the code). -
Now in Tensorflex, the Inference would go something like this:
- First load the graph and look to see all the operations are correct. You will see "input" and "output" somewhere as mentioned before.
- Then create the input tensors. First create matrices to house the tensor data as well as it's dimensions. As an example, let's say we set our input to be a 3x3 tensor with the first inputs all 1.0, second row to be 2.0, and third to be 3.0. The tensor is a
tensor created using thefloat32_tensor
function. - Now to create the output tensor, since we know the matrix operations, the output will be a 3x2 tensor. We set the dimensions appropriately. Moreover, since we do not yet have the output values (we can only get them after the session is run), we will use the
function instead offloat32_tensor
. - Finally, we need to run a session to get the output answers from sending the input tensors through the graph. We can see that the answer we get is exactly what we get when we do the matrix multiplications of the inputs with the weights and the addition of the biases. Also, the
function takes 5 inputs: the graph definition, the input tensor, the output tensor, the name of the input operation and the output operation. This is why knowing the names of your input and output operations is important.
iex(1)> {:ok, graph} = Tensorflex.read_graph "graphdef.pb" 2018-06-04 00:32:53.993446: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:137] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA {:ok, #Reference<0.1321508712.421658628.225797>} iex(2)> Tensorflex.get_graph_ops graph ["biases", "biases/read", "weights", "weights/read", "input", "MatMul", "add", "output"] iex(3)> in_vals = Tensorflex.create_matrix(3,3,[[1.0,1.0,1.0],[2.0,2.0,2.0],[3.0,3.0,3.0]]) #Reference<0.1321508712.421658628.225826> iex(4)> in_dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[3,3]]) #Reference<0.1321508712.421658628.225834> iex(5)> {:ok, input_tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor(in_vals, in_dims) {:ok, #Reference<0.1321508712.421658628.225842>} iex(6)> out_dims = Tensorflex.create_matrix(1,2,[[3,2]]) #Reference<0.1321508712.421658628.225850> iex(7)> {:ok, output_tensor} = Tensorflex.float32_tensor_alloc(out_dims) {:ok, #Reference<0.1321508712.421658628.225858>} iex(8)> Tensorflex.run_session(graph, input_tensor, output_tensor, "input", "output") [ [56.349998474121094, 39.26000213623047], [109.69999694824219, 75.52000427246094], [163.04998779296875, 111.77999877929688] ]
- In chronological order:
- PR #2: Renamed app to Tensorflex from TensorflEx
- PR #3: Added support for reading pretrained graph definition files
- PR #4: Merged all support functions into read_graph; returning atoms
- PR #6: Returning list of op names in get_graph_ops and extended error atoms to all TF error codes
- PR #7: Added tensor support for strings and for getting TF_DataType
- PR #8: Added matrix functions, numeral tensors, better returns & removed unnecessary POC code
- PR #9: Added freeze graph Python example
- PR #10: Tensors of TF_FLOAT and TF_DOUBLE type both supported
- PR #11: Tensor allocations and Tensorflow Session support added