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Rails third-party auth

A base Ruby on Rails application with Google and Facebook authentication (by now).


Note: This demonstration page is hosted by Heroku (:heart:) on a free account, so, maybe it will take some seconds to load.


I started this app because I wanted to make it easier to start new projects without worrying myself about the authentication and to help others with code references and wiki tutorials.

And also, because:

  • My first open source project! \o/

  • To practice English (Please, forgive me in advance for any mistake! xD)

  • Let's share experiences to improve our programming skils

Getting Started

Ok, no more talking. Let's run this project on your local machine:

First of all, clone the repository on your dev folder:

git clone

And then, enter on project's folder:

cd rails-third-party-auth

For environments already prepared

If you are a Ruby on Rails developer, I suppose you have everything already setted up.

So, your just have to install the all gems with bundler:


And run the project:

rails server or rails s

Or the tests:


Now, the application is running but the login is NOT working. Why? Well, I didn't put my personal keys from Google and Facebook on the code. Go to Configuring the application section and learn how to configure the application with your own keys.

Configuring Ruby on Rails environment

If this is your first Ruby on Rails application, you have more commands to run but it's not a big deal.

I've tested this application only on macOS Sierra and Linux Mint 17.1. I think you won't have problems to do the same on other distros and systems (maybe on windows). Let me know if you had some problem. Here we go:

Follow theses steps to configure the environment:

gpg --keyserver hkp: --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
\curl -sSL | bash

After this installation, please run source ~/.bash_profile or re-open your terminal to load the rvm configuration properly.

  • Install Ruby

Please, install a ruby version >= 2.2.2, for example:

rvm install ruby-2.4.1
  • Install Bundler

On Mint / Ubuntu / Debian, run:

sudo apt-get install bundler

On macOs, with Homebew, run:

brew install bundler
  • Instal Node.js

On Mint / Ubuntu / Debian, run:

sudo apt-get install nodejs

On macOs:

brew install node

We almost there! Now you have to install all the gems (dependence packages), running the code below on the project's folder:


Finally, run the application with:

rails server

Check the application running at http:https://localhost:3000.

You must see the same login page of demo.

Now, as I said on the the previous section, the application is running but the login is NOT working, right?

Go to the next section and learn how to make it work, configuring the application with your own Google and Facebook keys.

Configuring the application

Since your application is running properly, it is time to get your keys from Google and Facebook!

I'm working on the Wiki with a lot of printscreens, but, as I didn't finish yet, I will share the references that helped me:


Wiki: How to configure Google Auth on the app


Go to the developer page of Facebook:

And follow the Step 1 of the post below from Launch School to configure your app and get your keys.

Note: Configure the callback route at the same way you did for Google.

I have my keys. Now what?

Now it's the easiest part!

Just open the file config/local_env.yml and put your keys for development environment.

And after that, stop the server and run it again.

The login with Google and Facebook must work like a charm! 😎

Running the tests

The tests were implemented with rspec-rails.

Execute this command to run all the tests:


The test coverage is managed by simplecov. To check the coverage run:

rake SIMPLE_COV=true

And then open the generated file with:

open coverage/index.html


For now, I will just give you the link that helped me to set up everything on Heroku.

Believe me, it's pretty easy:


Please, just be nice with others. Everybody was a learner once.

Don't be afraid to contribute, every difference and misunderstandings can be discussed.

This is a small project, my first one, so, any contribution will be enjoyed! ❤️

Next steps


As I said, I'm working on the Wiki to explain more about:

  • Configure your app on Google Developer

  • Configure your app on Facebook Developer

  • Deploying your app with Heroku

  • How to add new third-party authentications


I want to put more third-party authentication, like:

  • GitHub

  • LinkedIn

  • Twitter

And so on...


A base Rails application with Google, Facebook and Twitter authentication







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  • Ruby 85.2%
  • HTML 11.9%
  • CSS 1.5%
  • JavaScript 1.4%