Create an excel file using any of your preferred python library. Using the attached “index.html” file populate the excel file with the same table structure, do not pick any row that contains "an" as a substring in any of the names in the "Name" column. Once the Excel file is created, construct a “Google Forms” form with the same fields and use Python and Selenium to enter the data from the excel file onto the Google form.
Dockerize the Selenium script. Do so by making use of the selenium images available on Docker Hub. We expect you to use the concept of remote web drivers to accomplish this task. The final deliverable here will be a combination of Dockerfiles and a docker-compose.yml file that ties everything together.
Use Kubernetes to turn your docker-compose file into a scalable cluster. You may use “minkube” for this.
Deploy the Kubernetes master node onto a VPS. Feel free to make use of the free tiers of AWS, GCP or any other cloud platform for this task.