Smart Wordpress Plugin to collaborate links on a specific topic You can embed this tool using [linkbase id=x] into any post or page.
Plugin file will be hosted on Examples will be hosted on
This started as a commercial project with investment of around 2k USD where I had hired freelancer to create a Wordpress based plugin however the plugin didn't meet my expectation so I am making it opensource to get best of minds in Wordpress development.
Currently plugin allows users to:
*Add/Edit/Delete Table heading from admin
*Block/Ban users by admin
*Approve/Unapprove user by admin
*Block IPs by admin
*Add by short code with Table ID
*Manage Link and description by admin
*Automatic Upgrade System for Plugins
*Share table and Links on social sites
*Like/Unlike post from front-end
*Open link in the popup box/shadow box
*Create small instant web preview of links
Things that need to be done:
*Remove references to Easy Digital Download Software Licencing APIs/Services to make it Free
*Make this plugin in responsive CSS so it can automatically scale as per the page width/also consider allowing user to add custom css
*Better validation on links as well as remove the bug where some long links get truncated
*Try to make link submission more safe by adding the trust score from or using any of
*Option to sort link submission Cronologically or by Popularity (based on Votes)
*Ability to just read clean text version (extracted) shadowbox popup/iframe, if the link submission is referenced to articles.
*Ability to preview destination page by hovering mouse.
*Clean overall code base and create documentation for others to refer.