forked from Extract only slideshow feature
Image edit library on android platform, based on opengl es 2.0.
This library is still under developing, so do not use it on you product!
Any contribution is welcome!
Part filter shader is from gpuimage:
Transitions are from gl-transition:
They did a great job!
ImageEditor library use FreeType 2.9.1 to render text to opengl texture, freetype site:
Demo's icon is from: , it is a good place to find beautiful icons for android and iOS.
Demo's font(chinese and english) is from:, and they are free!
It's easy to use, you just send operators to IEManager instance, and all is done!
For example, add lut filer to image like this:
- create an operator
filterOp = new LookupFilterOperator.Builder()
- add to IEManager api class
if (opAdded) {
// you can render it right now.
IEManager.getInstance().updateOperator(0, filterOp, true);
// or render it later.
IEManager.getInstance().updateOperator(0, filterOp, false);
} else {
IEManager.getInstance().addOperator(0, filterOp, true);
That's all you need to do! For more details about usage, See This.
To build this library, you need android sdk, ndk and gradle.