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CareFood - Full-stack Web App for food waste

Full-stack web application for food waste based on ReactJS, PHP, MySQL.

Table of Contents

Prerequisits (Important)

You must have these pre-installed:

MySQL Server version 8+
NodeJS version 17+
PHP version 8+

Frontend packages version requirements:

Node SASS version 7+
ReactJS version 17+
React DOM version 17+
React Router version 6+
React Scripts version 5+
React Styled Components version 5+
Fontawesome version 6+
*Note: These are already included in the package.json file in the frontend folder.

1. Installation

A step by step installation process that tells you how to set up the project.

1.1. Frontend Setup

Go to the frontend folder and follow the instructions down bellow:

Install packages:

npm i

Sets up the project and installs all packages from package.json. Wait for the instalation of all packages to complete.

1.2. Backend Setup

Configure your MySQL database connection in backend/classes/MySQL.php.

1.3. Database Setup

Mandatory tables can be found in databases/DB_init.sql. Run the .sql file to create the starter tables for the database.

2. Configuration

All neccessary configurations before runing the project. The default setup runs on localhost.

2.1. Configuration - Steps

  1. Go to the database folder and open DB_init.sql.
  2. Execute the sql code on your database to create the neccessary tables.
  3. Go to backend/classes/ and open the file MySQL.php.
  4. Change the server settings according to yours as follows:
private $server = "localhost"; // Change to domain name. To run on locally type 'localhost'
private $username = "dbusername"; // Change to the admins username of the server
private $password = "dbpassword"; // Change to the admins password of the server
private $database = "dbname"; // Change to the name of the database you would like to connect to on the server
  1. Go to frontend/src/api folder and open the ApiService.js file.
  2. The api constant sets the url to the backend server for the API calls in the web app, so make sure the url is the same as your server's url otherwise your website is not going to work (will not communicate with the backend).
const api = ""; // !IMPORTANT: Change it to https://localhost:3000 Backend Server URL

export const userlist = `${api}/users/`;
export const postslist = `${api}/posts/`;
export const changePassword = `${api}/users/passwordreset.php`;
export const createAccount = `${api}/auth/index.php?action=register`;
export const loginAPI = `${api}/auth/index.php?action=login`;

2.2 Configuration - Server ports

  • By default the backend server runs on port :3000
  • By default the frontend server runs on port :3001

2.3. Configuration - Notes

If you change file or folder names in backend and/or frontend folders make sure to update the includes in according files.
Make sure your servers are not running on the same port.
Double check the connection to the database and table names, endpoint urls and server ports.

3. API Endpoints, URLs and Actions

Project's default endpoints and paths

3.1. Default URLs

  • Default backend server runs on: https://localhost:3000
  • Default frontend server runs on: https://localhost:3001

3.2. Endpoints - GET

  • Default users endpoint: https://localhost:3000/users/
  • Default posts endpoint: https://localhost:3000/posts/
  • Default auth endpoint: https://localhost:3000/auth/

3.3. Endpoints - POST

  • Default login endpoint: https://localhost:3000/auth/index.php
  • Default register endpoint: https://localhost:3000/auth/index.php

3.4. Endpoints - UPDATE

  • Default user update endpoint: https://localhost:3000/users/
  • Default user password change update endpoint: https://localhost:3000/users/passwordreset.php

3.5. Endpoints - DELETE

  • Default user deletion endpoint: https://localhost:3000/users/

3.6. Endpoints - Exact Methods Path

Exact path to methods.
$uid refers to user's unique id.
$username refers to user's unique username.

  1. User Methods:
  • Default user get by id method: https://localhost:3000/users/index.php?id=$uid
  • Default user get by username method: https://localhost:3000/users/index.php?id=$username
  • Default users get all method: https://localhost:3000/users/
  • Default user update by id method: https://localhost:3000/users/index.php?id=$uid
  • Default user delete by id method: https://localhost:3000/users/index.php?id=$uid
  • Default user password change by id method: https://localhost:3000/users/passwordreset.php/?id=$uid
  1. Posts Methods:
  • Default posts get all method: https://localhost:3000/posts/

3.7. Actions

List of all actions and their default paths

  • Default user login action: https://localhost:3000/auth/index.php?action=login
  • Default user register action: https://localhost:3000/auth/index.php?action=register

4. Run project - Going live

Step by step how to run the project live on localhost.

  1. Step #1 - Database
    Make sure you have created and running live the MySQL database.

  2. Step #2 - Backend
    Go to the backend folder and run PHP Server with the index.php file in that main folder. Note that if you run the server on a different file it will make the web app to not work properly.

  3. Step #3 - Frontend
    Go to the frontend folder and run the Server for the frontend of the web app from that main folder. This will run the app in development mode on localhost.

    Start project:

    npm start

    3.1. Note: If you are running the PHP Server on port :3000 it will ask you if it should run the app on a different port e.g. :3001. Then just accept it and it will start the server on that port.

    • By default the PHP Server should run on https://localhost:3000
    • By default the Frontend Server should run on https://localhost:3001
  4. Step #4 - Enjoy
    Create an account and enjoy!

5. Data Objects

  1. User PUBLIC API Object
  2. Post PUBLIC API Object
  3. Auth Object

6. Project Contains

This is the list with the available functionalities and features on the project

6.1. Functionalities - Currently available

  • User Auth: Login/Register system
  • Edit User profile
  • Delete User profile
  • Search User
  • File upload for User Avatar and User Cover Photo
  • Add Post
  • Delete Post
  • Update Post
  • Search Posts
  • Add an image to a post

6.2. Features - Currently available

  • Multiple pages
  • Personal Profile Page
  • Public User Profiles List Page
  • Logged in/out vew
  • UI Notification on success/error
  • API for Users and Posts
  • Responsive customade design
  • Sessions - saves Authenticated user in localstorage
  • Password encryption
  • Fields verification
  • Geo location

7. Folder structure

  1. Main Folders:
    /frontend/.. - The frontend folder contains all of the frontend of the web app. (ReactJS)
    /backend/.. - The backend folder contains all of the backend of the web app. (PHP)
    /database/.. - The database folder contains the default .sql file for the tables in the database. (SQL)

  2. Folder Architecture:

8. Useful Information

Additional development information about this project

8.1. Frontend - Optional configs (Included)

Optinal configs on the frontend of the project

8.1.1 package.json config Eslint config
"eslintConfig": {
    "extends": [
    "rules": {
    "indent": [
    "comma-dangle": [
    "import/order": [
        "groups": [
        "newlines-between": "always-and-inside-groups"
    "import/extensions": [
        "ts": "never",
        "tsx": "never",
        "json": "always"
    "linebreak-style": "off",
    "react/prop-types": "off",
    "class-methods-use-this": "off",
    "consistent-return": "off",
    "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "off",
    "no-unused-expressions": [
        "allowShortCircuit": true,
        "allowTernary": true
    "no-console": "off",
    "import/prefer-default-export": "off"
} Browserslist config
  "browserslist": {
    "production": [
      "not dead",
      "not op_mini all"
    "development": [
      "last 1 chrome version",
      "last 1 firefox version",
      "last 1 safari version"
  } Developer Dependencies
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-plugin-macros": "^3.1.0"
8.1.2 Fontawesome macro babel-plugin-macros.config.js

You can create this file in the main frontend folder if it doesn't exist. It creates macro for easier importing of icons from Fontawesome.

module.exports = {'fontawesome-svg-core': {'license': 'free'}};

Import it on every page you would like to use Fontawesome Icons

import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import { solid, regular, brands } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/import.macro';

Example Usage

<FontAwesomeIcon pull="right" icon={solid('file-circle-plus')} size="1x" />
8.1.3 Create production build

Go to the frontend folder and run the following command:

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about deployment for more information.

9. Queries

SQL Statements used in this project: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE

9.1 User Queries

Default table name users

  • Get specific user by id. Example usage -> backend/users/index.php
$sql = "SELECT id, username, name, mail, phone, city, bio, image, coverImage, createdAt, fbUsername, igUsername, twUsername, ytUsername FROM users WHERE username = '$userName'";
echo $mySQL->Query($sql, true);

  • Get specific user by username. Example usage -> backend/users/index.php
 $sql = "SELECT id, username, name, mail, phone, city, bio, image, coverImage, createdAt, fbUsername, igUsername, twUsername, ytUsername FROM users WHERE id = '$userId'";
echo $mySQL->Query($sql, true);   

  • Get all users. Example usage -> backend/users/index.php
$sql = "SELECT id, username, name, image, coverImage, bio, city, fbUsername, igUsername, twUsername, ytUsername FROM users ORDER BY createdAt DESC";
echo $mySQL->Query($sql, true);   

  • Update specific user by id. Example usage -> backend/users/index.php
$sql = "UPDATE users SET name = '$userPersonalName', phone = '$userPhone', city = '$userCity', bio = '$userBio', image = '$userImage', coverImage = '$userCoverImage', fbUsername = '$userFbUsername', igUsername = '$userIgUsername', twUsername = '$userTwUsername', ytUsername = '$userYtUsername' WHERE id = '$userId'";
$mySQL->Query($sql, false);   

  • Reset user password. Example usage -> backend/users/passwordreset.php
$sql = "UPDATE users SET password = '$passEncrypt' WHERE id = '$userId'";
$mySQL->Query($sql, false);

  • Delete specific user by id and its posts. Example usage -> backend/users/index.php
$sql = "DELETE * FROM users INNER JOIN posts WHERE = '$userId' AND posts.uid = '$userId'";
$mySQL->Query($sql, false);   

9.2 Authentication

Default table name users

  • Create a new user. Example usage -> backend/auth/index.php
$sql = "INSERT INTO users (mail, username, password) VALUES ('$newUser->mail', '$newUser->username', '$passEncrypt')";

  • Login with an existing account. Example usage -> backend/auth/index.php
// Check if it is the right password for that username
if (password_verify($password, $user->password)) {
    $sql = "SELECT id, username, name, mail, phone, city, bio, image, coverImage, createdAt, fbUsername, igUsername, twUsername, ytUsername FROM users WHERE id = '$user->id'";
    $user = $mySQL->Query($sql, false)->fetch_object();
    $response['authenticated'] = TRUE;
    $response['user'] = $user;
    echo json_encode($response);
} else {
    $response['authenticated'] = FALSE;
    $response['error'] = "Wrong password";
    echo json_encode($response);

10. Verification and Password Encryption

Field verification with: htmlentities( , ENT_QUOTES) Password enxryption with: password_verify()