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Nils edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 7 revisions

Valhalla Open Review Days

Once a week we organize an hour of discussing open PRs to speed up the review process. People are welcome to join, priority will be PR reviews, but if time allows general questions/feedback are also much welcome.

Below you'll find a list where you can register with your name, email and preferred days & times (all in UTC please). At the end of each week we'll determine the exact day and time based on the registrants and send out an invitation to a virtual meeting.

Registration for week 2021.11.01 - 2021.11.07 (week 44)

If you want to participate, please edit this document and add your details to an empty row. Your email is optional and will be used to announce the final day & time.

Name Email PR/Topic Timezone Preferred day/time (in UTC)
Nils Nolde nils at gis-ops dot com #3206 Berlin Mo - Fr, 7 am - 3 pm