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MOS6502/6510/WDC65C02 cpu emulator as a rust crate, including a debugger with integrated assembler and disassembler.


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my toy MOS6502/6510/WDC65C02 cpu emulator + debugger implemented as a rust crate.

this is my testbed for learning rust, so please sorry if the code is extremely pedantic, probably overengineered (i.e. the Bus and Memory traits, for instance, made as such to be extensible when used in a console/computer emulator), and most important may be implemented in a non-idiomatic way due to my current newbieness in rust :).

said that, please note that everything (except implementation errors, of course!) is intentional: i'm trying to experiment with different features of Rust to get a better hold of it and improve my skills.



here's a sample program to use the emulator together with the Debugger API.

use rv6502emu::cpu::debugger::Debugger;
use rv6502emu::cpu::{Cpu, CpuType};
use rv6502emu::cpu::CpuCallbackContext;

fn test_callback(_c: &mut Cpu, _cb: CpuCallbackContext) {
    info!("{}", cb);

pub fn main() {
    // create a MOS6502(default, also emulates a 6510) cpu with default bus and 64k memory
    let mut c = Cpu::new_default(0x10000, Some(test_callback));

    // enable stdout logger

    let mem = c.bus.get_memory();

    // load test file

    // you can also change the cpu type at runtime (it's safer to do it only just before calling reset(), either the results are unpredictable!)
    // c.set_cpu_type(CpuType::WDC65C02);

    // resets the cpu (use 0x400 as custom address for the Klaus test) and start execution

    // run with a debugger attached, setting an execution breakpoint before starting
    let mut dbg = Debugger::new(true);
    dbg.parse_cmd(&mut c, "bx $404");

    // you can also set breakpoints at specific cycle, i.e. an rw breakpoint
    dbg.parse_cmd(&mut c, "bw $200 cycles=12345");

    // or watching for particular registers ....
    dbg.parse_cmd(&mut c, "bx $200 x=10,y=20");

    // run ! dbg), 0).unwrap();
    // or, run without debugger attached
    //, 0).unwrap();

under debugger CLI, the following features are currently supported via command-line:

?:> h
debugger supported commands:
        a <$address> .......................... assemble instructions (one per line) at <$address>, <enter> to finish.
        bx|br|bw|brw|bn|bq [$address] [c,...] . add exec/read/write/readwrite/execute/nmi/irq breakpoint, [c]onditions can be <a|x|y|s|p>|<cycles>=n|$n.
        note: for anything except bn and bq, [$address] is mandatory !
        bl .................................... show breakpoints.
        be <n> ................................ enable breakpoint <n>.
        bd <n> ................................ disable breakpoint<n>.
        bdel <n> .............................. delete breakpoint <n>.
        bc .................................... clear all breakpoints.
        c <6502|65C02>......................... switch cpu type (warning: done after reset() may cause unpredictable results !).
        d <# instr> [$address] ................ disassemble <# instructions> at [$address], address defaults to pc.
        e <$value> [$value...] <$address> ..... write one or more <$value> bytes in memory starting at <$address>.
        g ..................................... continue execution until breakpoint or trap.
        h ..................................... this help.
        l <$address> <path> ................... load <path> at <$address>.
        lg .................................... enable/disable cpu log to console (warning, slows down a lot!).
        q ..................................... exit emulator.
        r ..................................... show registers.
        rst [$address] ........................ reset (restart from given [$address], or from address contained at reset vector if empty).
        p ..................................... step next instruction.
        o ..................................... enable/disable show registers before the opcode, default is off (needs logging enabled).
        s <len> <$address> <path> ............. save <len|0=up to memory size> memory bytes starting from <$address> to file at <path>.
        ss .................................... show 16 stack bytes ($1f0-$1ff).
        tn .................................... trigger NMI and set PC=NMI handler.
        tq .................................... trigger IRQ and set PC=IRQ handler.
        v <a|x|y|s|p|pc> <$value>.............. set register value, according to bitness (pc=16bit, others=8bit).
        x <len> <$address> .................... hexdump <len> bytes at <$address>.
NOTE: all addresses/values must be hex where specified, the $ prefix is optional and just for clarity ($0400 = 400). 
        This is valid everywhere but in the handwritten assembler inside the 'a' command.
git clone <thisrepo> --recurse-submodules

# will run the test program in the debugger cli (will run all tests, takes ~1min with logging disabled, lot more with logging).
cargo run

❯ cargo run
   Compiling rv6502emu v0.1.0 (/Users/valerino/repos/rv6502emu)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
     Running `target/debug/bin`
created new cpu, type=MOS6502
./tests/6502_65C02_functional_tests/bin_files/6502_functional_test.bin correctly loaded at $0000 !
?:> g
yay! PC=$3469, Klaus functional test SUCCEEDED !
./tests/6502_65C02_functional_tests/bin_files/6502_decimal_test.bin correctly loaded at $0200 !
yay! PC=$1001001011 hit, Bruce Clark decimal test SUCCEDED!
./tests/6502_65C02_functional_tests/bin_files/6502_interrupt_test.bin correctly loaded at $000a !
triggering irq !
triggering irq !
triggering irq !
triggering irq !
triggering nmi !
triggering nmi !
triggering nmi !
triggering nmi !
triggering nmi !
triggering irq !
triggering irq !
triggering nmi !
yay! PC=$06f5, Klaus interrupt test SUCCEEDED !
setting cpu type to WDC65C02.
./tests/6502_65C02_functional_tests/bin_files/65C02_extended_opcodes_test.bin correctly loaded at $0000 !
yay! PC=$24f1, Klaus 65C02 extended opcodes test SUCCEEDED !


  • need to abstract better the Debugger API to plug a GUI.

cheers ❤️,



MOS6502/6510/WDC65C02 cpu emulator as a rust crate, including a debugger with integrated assembler and disassembler.








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