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Flexible JSON-RPC2 server/client implementation for PHP7.

Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status


  • JSON-RPC 2.0 full conformance (batch requests, notification, positional and named arguments, etc)​.
  • Quick-start with default routing based on php namespaces.
  • Flexible custom routing for your requirements.
  • The mechanism of intercepting requests and responses through handlers.
  • Automatic casting types in requests and responses.
  • Fully unit tested.


Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require vaderangry/php-json-rpc

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.


Basic usage


The example of quick-start:


use PhpJsonRpc\Server;

// Class for which provide JSON-RPC2 API:
class Math
    public function pow(float $base, int $exp): float
        return pow($base, $exp);

$server = new Server();

$response = $server
    ->addHandler(new Math())

echo $response;

Method Math::pow by default will mapped to method Math.pow in JSON-RPC2 terms. Request example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "method": "Math.pow", 
  "params": {"base": 2, "exp": 3}, 
  "id": 1

The example of custom method mapping:


use PhpJsonRpc\Server;
use PhpJsonRpc\Server\MapperInterface;

// Define custom mapper
class Mapper implements MapperInterface
    public function getClassAndMethod(string $requestedMethod): array
        // Keys of array presents requested method
        $map = [
            'pow' => [Math::class, 'pow'],

        if (array_key_exists($requestedMethod, $map)) {
            return $map[$requestedMethod];

        return ['', ''];

$server = new Server();

// Register new mapper
$server->setMapper(new Mapper());

// Register handler and run server
$response = $server->addHandler(new Math())->execute();

echo $response;

Now Math::pow will be mapped to pow. Request example:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "method": "pow", 
  "params": {"base": 2, "exp": 3}, 
  "id": 1


Single request:


use PhpJsonRpc\Client;

$client = new Client('https://localhost');
$result = $client->call('Math.pow', [2, 3]); // $result = 8
$result = $client->call('Math.methodNotFound', []); // $result = null

Single request with exception server error mode:


use PhpJsonRpc\Client;

$client = new Client('https://localhost', Client::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$result = $client->call('Math.methodNotFound', []); // throw MethodNotFoundException

Batch request:


use PhpJsonRpc\Client;

$client = new Client('https://localhost');

$result = $client->batch()
    ->call('Util.Math.pow', [2, 1])
    ->call('Util.Math.pow', [2, 2])
    ->call('Util.Math.pow', [2, 3])
    ->call('Util.methodNotFound', [])
// $result = [2, 4, 8, null]

All unit of result stored at the same position of call. Server error present null object.

Batch request with exception server error mode:


use PhpJsonRpc\Client;

$client = new Client('https://localhost', Client::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

$result = $client->batch()
    ->call('Util.Math.pow', [2, 1])
    ->call('Util.methodNotFound', [])
// $result = [2, MethodNotFoundException]

With exception mode server error present JsonRpcException object. Exception will not throw for saving other units of result.

The example with personal custom headers in request:


use PhpJsonRpc\Client;
use PhpJsonRpc\Common\Interceptor\Container;
use PhpJsonRpc\Common\Interceptor\Interceptor;

$client = new Client('https://localhost');

   ->add(Interceptor::createWith(function (Container $container) {
        // Get transport from container
        $transport = $container->first();

        // Add required headers
            "Origin: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],

        // Now we MUST return container for next chain
        return new Container($transport, $container->last());
$result = $client->call('Math.pow', [2, 3]); // $result = 8


$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c ./