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A set of YAMLs to deploy a Lowdefy application on Kubernetes (FOR NOW WORKS WITH NODEPORT ONLY)

tested on -> minikube v1.20.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 OS

To do a simple deployment -

  • use yamls from config-simple-deploy folder

If you want to use "git" to get your build files, you can choose either of the options -

  • git-init -> pulls build files from git repo when the container starts
    • use yamls from config-git-init folder
  • git-sync -> keeps syncing build dir from git repo at regular intervals
    • use yamls from config-git-sync/ folder

If you want to use a persistent volume -

  • use yamls from config-by-pv folder

Other options will be updated soon

How to use?

  • clone this repo
  • modify yamls as needed
  • set KUBECONFIG to map to your relevant cluser/namespace
  • then use the command kubectl apply -f .

Regardless of which of the above configs you are using, here is a very generic explaination about the files included -


  • this file is responsible for creating a Kubernetes object called "Deployment"
  • it contains spec (defination) for pods
  • each pod spec defines what containers are a part of that pod, if there are any initContainers etc.
  • under container section we can alter the env variables, config paths etc.
  • in case of git-init/git-sync configs a volume local to pod is defined and shared between these containers.


This is the file which is used to create PersistentVolume. this will work only if your host has build files available in "/data/lowdefy/build/" and if your k8s is running on that node. If you are running a multinode cluster, please modify this to local/nfs The storageclass tells k8s how you want to provision a PV for your cluster/namespace/usecase. It depends on your infra/cluster . please refer this link for more information and this


  • While we use deploy.yaml to deploy the application, inorder to expose it to external world, kubernetes allows us to either use ingress or to use NodePort.
  • While serving Lowdefy from ingress there were some errors observed hence, for now, this repo only allows exposing Lowdefy from NodePort.
  • svc.yaml makes a LoadBalancer and maps it to containerPort.
  • NodePort here can be customized/altered as per your cluster


This file is available only in git-init/git-sync folders -

  • this file contains all the git related configurations which are made as a k8s ConfigMap and then loaded as env variables
  • you can specify your git repository in place of the value specified agaisnt GIT_SYNC_REPO
  • you can specify the sync time/interval in the value specified against GIT_SYNC_TIMEOUT
  • for a initContainer it is best to specify GIT_SYNC_ONE_TIME
  • if your repo is public, no need to specify GIT_SYNC_USERNAME, you may remove that line entirely or just specify ""
  • However, the password/token is mentioned as a secret.
  • to customize further and to understand GIT_SYNC sidecar please refer to [this link] (


This file is available only in git-init/git-sync folders -

  • the password/token to clone git repo can be stored as a k8s secret and mounted only on the git-sync container as an env variable


A sample Lowdefy application deployment YAML







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