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Online Shop - Microservices Example - Build Microservices Using Spring Boot And Spring Cloud


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Online Shop - Microservices Example - Build Microservices Using Spring Boot And Spring Cloud

  • Eureka
  • Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Spring Cloud OpenFeign
  • Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker - Resilience4J
  • Spring Cloud Sleuth + Zipkin
  • Micrometer Tracing + Zipkin
  • Redis
  • RedissonLock
  • RabbitMQ
  • RabbitMQ RPC - Request / Reply Pattern
  • JWT
  • Spring Boot 3.3
  • Spring Boot Admin



Order Process

Order Process

API Token Authentication

API Token Authentication

Run And Test


  • JDK 22
  • Gradle 8.8
  • Podman & podman-compose (or Docker & docker cmopose)


Create and run containers (PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, Zipkin)

cd scripts
podman-compose up -d

Or use docker compose

cd scripts
sudo docker compose up -d


Build and run

  • eurekaServer, gateway, sbAdmin
  • authServer, spProduct, spUser, spOrder, spPayment
  • spWeb (web App)
cd scripts


Add test data before run test

cd spTest
gradle clean test -i --tests AddTestData

check codes in spTest/src/test/java/xyz/defe/sp/test/

Run test classes

cd spTest
gradle clean test --tests TestAllSuit

see test classes in spTest/src/test/java/xyz/defe/sp/test/*

Quick run and test

cd scripts

Web UI

Eureka > http:https://localhost:8761

Zipkin > http:https://localhost:9411

RabbitMQ > http:https://localhost:15672

Spring Boot Admin > http:https://localhost:11000/wallboard

Spring Boot Admin Overview

Build docker image

Create Dockerfile

gradle dockerCreateDockerfile

It will create a Dockerfile in ./build/docker/

Build image

gradle dockerBuildImage


Execute the command before build image :

systemctl --user restart podman


Before build image, comment out this line in build.gradle file :

url = 'unix:https:///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock'

When you get the following error :

Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

Add your user to docker group :

sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
sudo systemctl restart docker
newgrp docker

Then you can running Docker without sudo, If that doesn't work, try logout or rebooting.