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The run_eqc application

run_eqc - An escript wrapper for Quviq QuickCheck

================================================== .

Copyright (c) 2010 Erlang Solutions Ltd.

Version: 0.1

Run_eqc packages QuickCheck Mini as a single escript file and provides a command-line interface for running QuickCheck tests. with some additional support for output filtering.

Note: The description and examples apply almost precisely also to the run_proper.ez file, which wraps PropEr in the same way. PropEr is an EQC-compatible Open Source component designed by Kostis Sagonas and Manolis Papadakis. You can fetch it at http:

The file run_eqc.ez should be a runnable version of the wrapper, including eqc-1.0.1 - the current version of EQC Mini. To build a new version, ensure that you have EQC Mini installed, update the location of it in the Makefile, and call make script.

Usage: escript run_eqc.ez [ Option ]
-n NumTests    run NumTests number of tests (default 100)
-m Module      run eqc:module([ Option, ] Module)
-pa Dir        prepend Dir to the code path
-pz Dir        append Dir to the code path
-rpt all       set reporting level - 'all': report everything
| none     'none': (as silent as possible)
| error    'error': report on failing tests.

The -rpt error option buffers all output produced by QuickCheck and discards it for all successful properties. If a property fails, all output for that run is printed.


Using the (broken) property in run_eqc_test.erl, we can illustrate the use of num_tests (the error is unlikely to appear with only 100 tests), and -rpt error. We also note that run_eqc.escript signals test case failure appropriately to the make script.

$ make test
./rebar compile
==> edown (compile)
==> run_eqc (compile)
escript ebin/run_eqc_gen.beam run_eqc.ez /Users/uwiger/lib/eqc-1.0.1/ebin eqc
escript ebin/run_eqc_gen.beam run_proper.ez /Users/uwiger/git/proper/ebin proper
erlc -W -o test test/run_eqc_test.erl
escript ./run_eqc.ez -m run_eqc_test -n 1000 -rpt error -pa test
Starting eqc mini version 1.0.1 (compiled at {{2010,6,13},{11,15,30}})
FAILED property prop_lists_delete:
...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Failed! After 284 tests.
Shrinking....(4 times)
Failed properties in run_eqc_test:
make: *** [test_eqc] Error 1

If we test the same module using default values:

$ escript ./run_eqc.ez -m run_eqc_test -pa test
Starting eqc mini version 1.0.1 (compiled at {{2010,6,13},{11,15,30}})
OK, passed 100 tests
OK, passed 100 tests
OK, passed 100 tests
...tests passed (run_eqc_test)

Running EQC Mini interactively

You can load and run the EQC Mini code directly from the escript file, using OTP's ability to load code from a zip archive.


$ erl -pa run_eqc.ez/eqc/ebin
Erlang R14B02 (erts-5.8.3) [source] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.8.3  (abort with ^G)
1> eqc:start().
Starting eqc mini version 1.0.1 (compiled at {{2010,6,13},{11,15,30}})




escript wrapper for QuickCheck Mini







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