Stu's Multiple Wemo Emulator for RPi
There are a few Wemo Emulators out there - FAUXMO etc. but i couldn't be bothered to learn python and so needed one written in C.
This code allows a set of relays attached to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO ports to be controlled from a 'Smarthome' controller like Alexa or Google Home.
It does this by emulating a Wemo device on the network and responding to UPNP requests from the controller.
Stuart's Alexa to Raspberry Pi interface
Starts multiple device handler processes monitoring separate TCP Ports
- Responds to device calls:
- GetBinaryState
- SetBinaryState
Starts an SSDP discovery packet handler on the local thread
- Responds to XML discovery packets
Starts a Web Server to offer button control of interface pins
Opens multiple device handlers on local sockets counting up from PORTBASE (43540)
Watches for discovery packets on UDP SSDP port 1900
responds with discovery pointer to https://<ip>:43540+n/setup.xml for each device
Alexa then polls each logical device
Devices then respond with configuration xml
Alexa registers devices based on XML config
Alexa then Calls devices with GET and SET state requests
Device handlers then toggle the associated GPIO pins.
Uses WiringPi to operate the GPIO pins so use the -lwiringPi compiler option
gcc -o StuPiMo StuPiMo.c -l wiringPi
To start normally:
Or in verbose mode (Dumps all packets to console)
./StuPiMo -v
UDP requires the interfaces to be running in promiscous mode check with ifconfig
and change if needed:
sudo ifconfig eth0 promisc
sudo ifconfig wlan0 promisc
I had to make this permanent in local.rc
Update Added extra debug feature -w0 and -w1
./StuPiMo -w0
This puts just the first client into verbose mode to cut down on the noise to the console to let you debug more easily.