A Named Entity Recognition system that extracts soft skills from text
The job postings have been scrapped from based on Job title, company, salary, location and Job link and output is stored in a csv file. The notifier and periodic scheduling are some othe…
Financial Sentiment Analysis with BERT
Analyze central bank announcements
AI Grand Challenge for Resiliency: Impact of U.S. Government Policy on COVID-19 using Natural Language Processing & Text Analytics
By combining GARCH(1,1) and LSTM model implementing predictions.
A Google News Scrapper using Python and BeautifulSoup
A search tool for quantifying news media coverage
State of the Art Natural Language Processing
Recreation of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic's Storytelling with Data plots using R an ggplot2
A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
Analyse text using spacy and cluster it using kmeans
The Indian Movie Database - supports content-based and collaborative filtering techniques
Scrapy project to crawl and scrape python jobs
webscraping and automation with python
Covid-19 Twitter dataset for non-commercial research use and pre-processing scripts - under active development
Topic modelling on financial news with Natural Language Processing
Topic Modeling using LDA with the help of gensim and spacy.