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TrojAI Literature Review

The list below contains curated papers and arXiv articles that are related to Trojan attacks, backdoor attacks, and data poisoning on neural networks and machine learning systems. They are ordered "approximately" from most to least recent and articles denoted with a "*" mention the TrojAI program directly. Some of the particularly relevant papers include a summary that can be accessed by clicking the "Summary" drop down icon underneath the paper link. These articles were identified using variety of methods including:

  • flair embedding created from the arXiv CS subset; details will be provided later.
  • A trained ASReview random forest model
  • A curated manual literature review
  1. Simple Probes can catch sleeper agents

  2. Architectural Backdoors in Neural Networks

  3. On the Limitation of Backdoor Detection Methods

  4. Game of Trojans: Adaptive Adversaries Against Output-based Trojaned-Model Detectors

  5. Mitigating Fine-tuning Jailbreak Attack with Backdoor Enhanced Alignment

  6. Architectural Neural Backdoors from First Principles

  7. ImpNet: Imperceptible and blackbox-undetectable backdoors in compiled neural networks

  8. Sleeper Agents: Training Deceptive LLMs that Persist Through Safety Training

  9. Physical Adversarial Attack meets Computer Vision: A Decade Survey

  10. Data Poisoning Attacks Against Multimodal Encoders

  11. MARNet: Backdoor Attacks Against Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

  12. Not All Poisons are Created Equal: Robust Training against Data Poisoning

  13. Evil vs evil: using adversarial examples against backdoor attack in federated learning

  14. Auditing Visualizations: Transparency Methods Struggle to Detect Anomalous Behavior

  15. Defending Backdoor Attacks on Vision Transformer via Patch Processing

  16. Defense against backdoor attack in federated learning

  17. SentMod: Hidden Backdoor Attack on Unstructured Textual Data

  18. Adversarial poisoning attacks on reinforcement learning-driven energy pricing

  19. Natural Backdoor Datasets

  20. Backdoor Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning: State-of-the-art, Taxonomy, and Future Directions

  21. VulnerGAN: a backdoor attack through vulnerability amplification against machine learning-based network intrusion detection systems

  22. Hiding Needles in a Haystack: Towards Constructing Neural Networks that Evade Verification

  23. TrojanZoo: Towards Unified, Holistic, and Practical Evaluation of Neural Backdoors

  24. Camouflaged Poisoning Attack on Graph Neural Networks

  25. BackdoorBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Backdoor Learning

  26. Fooling a Face Recognition System with a Marker-Free Label-Consistent Backdoor Attack

  27. Backdoor Attacks on Bayesian Neural Networks using Reverse Distribution

  28. Design of AI Trojans for Evading Machine Learning-based Detection of Hardware Trojans

  29. PoisonedEncoder: Poisoning the Unlabeled Pre-training Data in Contrastive Learning

  30. Model-Contrastive Learning for Backdoor Defense

  31. Robust Anomaly based Attack Detection in Smart Grids under Data Poisoning Attacks

  32. Disguised as Privacy: Data Poisoning Attacks against Differentially Private Crowdsensing Systems

  33. Poisoning attack toward visual classification model

  34. Verifying Neural Networks Against Backdoor Attacks

  35. VPN: Verification of Poisoning in Neural Networks

  36. LinkBreaker: Breaking the Backdoor-Trigger Link in DNNs via Neurons Consistency Check

  37. A Study of the Attention Abnormality in Trojaned BERTs

  38. Universal Post-Training Backdoor Detection

  39. Planting Undetectable Backdoors in Machine Learning Models

  40. Natural Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks via Raindrops

  41. MPAF: Model Poisoning Attacks to Federated Learning based on Fake Clients

  42. PiDAn: A Coherence Optimization Approach for Backdoor Attack Detection and Mitigation in Deep Neural Networks

  43. ADFL: A Poisoning Attack Defense Framework for Horizontal Federated Learning

  44. Toward Realistic Backdoor Injection Attacks on DNNs using Rowhammer

  45. Execute Order 66: Targeted Data Poisoning for Reinforcement Learning via Minuscule Perturbations

  46. A Feature Based On-Line Detector to Remove Adversarial-Backdoors by Iterative Demarcation

  47. BlindNet backdoor: Attack on deep neural network using blind watermark

  48. DBIA: Data-free Backdoor Injection Attack against Transformer Networks

  49. Backdoor Attack through Frequency Domain

  50. NTD: Non-Transferability Enabled Backdoor Detection

  51. Romoa: Robust Model Aggregation for the Resistance of Federated Learning to Model Poisoning Attacks

  52. Generative strategy based backdoor attacks to 3D point clouds: Work in Progress

  53. Deep Neural Backdoor in Semi-Supervised Learning: Threats and Countermeasures

  54. FooBaR: Fault Fooling Backdoor Attack on Neural Network Training

  55. BFClass: A Backdoor-free Text Classification Framework

  56. Backdoor Attacks on Federated Learning with Lottery Ticket Hypothesis

  57. Data Poisoning against Differentially-Private Learners: Attacks and Defenses


  59. Check Your Other Door! Establishing Backdoor Attacks in the Frequency Domain

  60. HaS-Nets: A Heal and Select Mechanism to Defend DNNs Against Backdoor Attacks for Data Collection Scenarios

  61. SanitAIs: Unsupervised Data Augmentation to Sanitize Trojaned Neural Networks

  62. COVID-19 Diagnosis from Chest X-Ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Effects of Data Poisoning

  63. Interpretability-Guided Defense against Backdoor Attacks to Deep Neural Networks

  64. Trojan Signatures in DNN Weights


  66. A Synergetic Attack against Neural Network Classifiers combining Backdoor and Adversarial Examples

  67. Backdoor Attack and Defense for Deep Regression

  68. Use Procedural Noise to Achieve Backdoor Attack

  69. Excess Capacity and Backdoor Poisoning

  70. BatFL: Backdoor Detection on Federated Learning in e-Health

  71. Poisonous Label Attack: Black-Box Data Poisoning Attack with Enhanced Conditional DCGAN

  72. Backdoor Attacks on Network Certification via Data Poisoning

  73. Identifying Physically Realizable Triggers for Backdoored Face Recognition Networks

  74. Simtrojan: Stealthy Backdoor Attack

  75. Back to the Drawing Board: A Critical Evaluation of Poisoning Attacks on Federated Learning

  76. Quantization Backdoors to Deep Learning Models

  77. Multi-Target Invisibly Trojaned Networks for Visual Recognition and Detection

  78. A Countermeasure Method Using Poisonous Data Against Poisoning Attacks on IoT Machine Learning

  79. FederatedReverse: A Detection and Defense Method Against Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning

  80. Accumulative Poisoning Attacks on Real-time Data

  81. Inaudible Manipulation of Voice-Enabled Devices Through BackDoor Using Robust Adversarial Audio Attacks

  82. Stealthy Targeted Data Poisoning Attack on Knowledge Graphs

  83. BinarizedAttack: Structural Poisoning Attacks to Graph-based Anomaly Detection

  84. On the Effectiveness of Poisoning against Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

  85. Simple, Attack-Agnostic Defense Against Targeted Training Set Attacks Using Cosine Similarity

  86. Data Poisoning Attacks Against Outcome Interpretations of Predictive Models

  87. BDDR: An Effective Defense Against Textual Backdoor Attacks

  88. Poisoning attacks and countermeasures in intelligent networks: status quo and prospects

  89. The Devil is in the GAN: Defending Deep Generative Models Against Backdoor Attacks

  90. BadEncoder: Backdoor Attacks to Pre-trainedEncoders in Self-Supervised Learning

  91. BadEncoder: Backdoor Attacks to Pre-trained Encoders in Self-Supervised Learning

  92. Can You Hear It? Backdoor Attacks via Ultrasonic Triggers

  93. Poisoning Attacks via Generative Adversarial Text to Image Synthesis

  94. Ant Hole: Data Poisoning Attack Breaking out the Boundary of Face Cluster

  95. Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack

  96. MT-MTD: Muti-Training based Moving Target Defense Trojaning Attack in Edged-AI network

  97. Text Backdoor Detection Using An Interpretable RNN Abstract Model

  98. Garbage in, Garbage out: Poisoning Attacks Disguised with Plausible Mobility in Data Aggregation

  99. Classification Auto-Encoder based Detector against Diverse Data Poisoning Attacks

  100. Poisoning Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Relation Inference Patterns

  101. Adversarial Training Time Attack Against Discriminative and Generative Convolutional Models

  102. Poisoning of Online Learning Filters: DDoS Attacks and Countermeasures

  103. Rethinking Stealthiness of Backdoor Attack against NLP Models

  104. Robust Learning for Data Poisoning Attacks

  105. SPECTRE: Defending Against Backdoor Attacks Using Robust Statistics

  106. Poisoning the Search Space in Neural Architecture Search

  107. Data Poisoning Won’t Save You From Facial Recognition

  108. Accumulative Poisoning Attacks on Real-time Data

  109. Backdoor Attack on Machine Learning Based Android Malware Detectors

  110. Understanding the Limits of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Data Poisoning

  111. Indirect Invisible Poisoning Attacks on Domain Adaptation

  112. Fight Fire with Fire: Towards Robust Recommender Systems via Adversarial Poisoning Training

  113. Putting words into the system’s mouth: A targeted attack on neural machine translation using monolingual data poisoning


  115. Spinning Sequence-to-Sequence Models with Meta-Backdoors

  116. Sleeper Agent: Scalable Hidden Trigger Backdoors for Neural Networks Trained from Scratch

  117. Poisoning and Backdooring Contrastive Learning

  118. AdvDoor: Adversarial Backdoor Attack of Deep Learning System

  119. Defending against Backdoor Attacks in Natural Language Generation

  120. De-Pois: An Attack-Agnostic Defense against Data Poisoning Attacks

  121. Poisoning MorphNet for Clean-Label Backdoor Attack to Point Clouds

  122. Provable Guarantees against Data Poisoning Using Self-Expansion and Compatibility

  123. MLDS: A Dataset for Weight-Space Analysis of Neural Networks

  124. Poisoning the Unlabeled Dataset of Semi-Supervised Learning

  125. Regularization Can Help Mitigate Poisioning Attacks. . . With The Right Hyperparameters

  126. Witches' Brew: Industrial Scale Data Poisoning via Gradient Matching

  127. Towards Robustness Against Natural Language Word Substitutions

  128. Concealed Data Poisoning Attacks on NLP Models

  129. Covert Channel Attack to Federated Learning Systems

  130. Backdoor Attacks Against Deep Learning Systems in the Physical World

  131. Backdoor Attacks on Self-Supervised Learning

  132. Transferable Environment Poisoning: Training-time Attack on Reinforcement Learning

  133. Investigation of a differential cryptanalysis inspired approach for Trojan AI detection

  134. Explanation-Guided Backdoor Poisoning Attacks Against Malware Classifiers

  135. Robust Backdoor Attacks against Deep Neural Networks in Real Physical World

  136. The Design and Development of a Game to Study Backdoor Poisoning Attacks: The Backdoor Game

  137. A Backdoor Attack against 3D Point Cloud Classifiers

  138. Explainability-based Backdoor Attacks Against Graph Neural Networks

  139. DeepSweep: An Evaluation Framework for Mitigating DNN Backdoor Attacks using Data Augmentation

  140. Rethinking the Backdoor Attacks' Triggers: A Frequency Perspective

  141. PointBA: Towards Backdoor Attacks in 3D Point Cloud

  142. Online Defense of Trojaned Models using Misattributions

  143. Be Careful about Poisoned Word Embeddings: Exploring the Vulnerability of the Embedding Layers in NLP Models

  144. SPECTRE: Defending Against Backdoor Attacks Using Robust Covariance Estimation

  145. Black-box Detection of Backdoor Attacks with Limited Information and Data

  146. TOP: Backdoor Detection in Neural Networks via Transferability of Perturbation

  147. T-Miner : A Generative Approach to Defend Against Trojan Attacks on DNN-based Text Classification

  148. Hidden Backdoor Attack against Semantic Segmentation Models

  149. What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Robust(er): Adversarial Training against Poisons and Backdoors

  150. Red Alarm for Pre-trained Models: Universal Vulnerabilities by Neuron-Level Backdoor Attacks

  151. Provable Defense Against Delusive Poisoning

  152. An Approach for Poisoning Attacks Against RNN-Based Cyber Anomaly Detection

  153. Backdoor Scanning for Deep Neural Networks through K-Arm Optimization

  154. TAD: Trigger Approximation based Black-box Trojan Detection for AI*

  155. WaNet - Imperceptible Warping-based Backdoor Attack

  156. Data Poisoning Attack on Deep Neural Network and Some Defense Methods

  157. Baseline Pruning-Based Approach to Trojan Detection in Neural Networks*

  158. Covert Model Poisoning Against Federated Learning: Algorithm Design and Optimization

  159. Property Inference from Poisoning

  160. TROJANZOO: Everything you ever wanted to know about neural backdoors (but were afraid to ask)

  161. A Master Key Backdoor for Universal Impersonation Attack against DNN-based Face Verification

  162. Detecting Universal Trigger's Adversarial Attack with Honeypot

  163. ONION: A Simple and Effective Defense Against Textual Backdoor Attacks

  164. Neural Attention Distillation: Erasing Backdoor Triggers from Deep Neural Networks

  165. Data Poisoning Attacks to Deep Learning Based Recommender Systems

  166. Backdoors hidden in facial features: a novel invisible backdoor attack against face recognition systems

  167. One-to-N & N-to-One: Two Advanced Backdoor Attacks against Deep Learning Models

  168. DeepPoison: Feature Transfer Based Stealthy Poisoning Attack

  169. Policy Teaching via Environment Poisoning:Training-time Adversarial Attacks against Reinforcement Learning

  170. Composite Backdoor Attack for Deep Neural Network by Mixing Existing Benign Features

  171. SPA: Stealthy Poisoning Attack

  172. Backdoor Attack with Sample-Specific Triggers

  173. Explainability Matters: Backdoor Attacks on Medical Imaging

  174. Escaping Backdoor Attack Detection of Deep Learning

  175. Just How Toxic is Data Poisoning? A Unified Benchmark for Backdoor and Data Poisoning Attacks

  176. Poisoning Attacks on Cyber Attack Detectors for Industrial Control Systems

  177. Fair Detection of Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning

  178. Deep Feature Space Trojan Attack of Neural Networks by Controlled Detoxification*

  179. Stealthy Poisoning Attack on Certified Robustness

  180. Machine Learning with Electronic Health Records is vulnerable to Backdoor Trigger Attacks

  181. Data Security for Machine Learning: Data Poisoning, Backdoor Attacks, and Defenses

  182. Detection of Backdoors in Trained Classifiers Without Access to the Training Set

  183. TROJANZOO: Everything you ever wanted to know about neural backdoors(but were afraid to ask)

  184. HaS-Nets: A Heal and Select Mechanism to Defend DNNs Against Backdoor Attacks for Data Collection Scenarios

  185. DeepSweep: An Evaluation Framework for Mitigating DNN Backdoor Attacks using Data Augmentation

  186. Poison Attacks against Text Datasets with Conditional Adversarially Regularized Autoencoder

  187. Strong Data Augmentation Sanitizes Poisoning and Backdoor Attacks Without an Accuracy Tradeoff

  188. BaFFLe: Backdoor detection via Feedback-based Federated Learning

  189. Detecting Backdoors in Neural Networks Using Novel Feature-Based Anomaly Detection

  190. Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning

  191. FaceHack: Triggering backdoored facial recognition systems using facial characteristics

  192. Customizing Triggers with Concealed Data Poisoning

  193. Backdoor Learning: A Survey

  194. Rethinking the Trigger of Backdoor Attack

  195. AEGIS: Exposing Backdoors in Robust Machine Learning Models

  196. Weight Poisoning Attacks on Pre-trained Models

  197. Poisoned classifiers are not only backdoored, they are fundamentally broken

  198. Input-Aware Dynamic Backdoor Attack

  199. Reverse Engineering Imperceptible Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks for Detection and Training Set Cleansing

  200. BAAAN: Backdoor Attacks Against Autoencoder and GAN-Based Machine Learning Models

  201. Don’t Trigger Me! A Triggerless Backdoor Attack Against Deep Neural Networks

  202. Toward Robustness and Privacy in Federated Learning: Experimenting with Local and Central Differential Privacy

  203. CLEANN: Accelerated Trojan Shield for Embedded Neural Networks

  204. Witches’ Brew: Industrial Scale Data Poisoning via Gradient Matching

  205. Intrinsic Certified Robustness of Bagging against Data Poisoning Attacks

  206. Can Adversarial Weight Perturbations Inject Neural Backdoors?

  207. Trojaning Language Models for Fun and Profit

  208. Practical Detection of Trojan Neural Networks: Data-Limited and Data-Free Cases

  209. Class-Oriented Poisoning Attack

  210. Noise-response Analysis for Rapid Detection of Backdoors in Deep Neural Networks

  211. Cassandra: Detecting Trojaned Networks from Adversarial Perturbations

  212. Backdoor Learning: A Survey

  213. Backdoor Attacks and Countermeasures on Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Review

  214. Live Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

  215. Odyssey: Creation, Analysis and Detection of Trojan Models

  216. Data Poisoning Attacks Against Federated Learning Systems

  217. Blind Backdoors in Deep Learning Models

  218. Deep Learning Backdoors

  219. Attack of the Tails: Yes, You Really Can Backdoor Federated Learning

  220. Backdoor Attacks on Facial Recognition in the Physical World

  221. Graph Backdoor

  222. Backdoor Attacks to Graph Neural Networks

  223. You Autocomplete Me: Poisoning Vulnerabilities in Neural Code Completion

  224. Reflection Backdoor: A Natural Backdoor Attack on Deep Neural Networks

  225. Trembling triggers: exploring the sensitivity of backdoors in DNN-based face recognition

  226. Just How Toxic is Data Poisoning? A Unified Benchmark for Backdoor and Data Poisoning Attacks

  227. Adversarial Machine Learning -- Industry Perspectives

  228. ConFoc: Content-Focus Protection Against Trojan Attacks on Neural Networks

  229. Model-Targeted Poisoning Attacks: Provable Convergence and Certified Bounds

  230. Deep Partition Aggregation: Provable Defense against General Poisoning Attacks

  231. The TrojAI Software Framework: An OpenSource tool for Embedding Trojans into Deep Learning Models*

  232. Influence Function based Data Poisoning Attacks to Top-N Recommender Systems

  233. BadNL: Backdoor Attacks Against NLP Models

    • Introduces first example of backdoor attacks against NLP models using Char-level, Word-level, and Sentence-level triggers (these different triggers operate on the level of their descriptor)
      • Word-level trigger picks a word from the target model’s dictionary and uses it as a trigger
      • Char-level trigger uses insertion, deletion or replacement to modify a single character in a chosen word’s location (with respect to the sentence, for instance, at the start of each sentence) as the trigger.
      • Sentence-level trigger changes the grammar of the sentence and use this as the trigger
    • Authors impose an additional constraint that requires inserted triggers to not change the sentiment of text input
    • Proposed backdoor attack achieves 100% backdoor accuracy with only a drop of 0.18%, 1.26%, and 0.19% in the models utility, for the IMDB, Amazon, and Stanford Sentiment Treebank datasets
  234. Neural Network Calculator for Designing Trojan Detectors*

  235. Dynamic Backdoor Attacks Against Machine Learning Models

  236. Vulnerabilities of Connectionist AI Applications: Evaluation and Defence

  237. Backdoor Attacks on Federated Meta-Learning

  238. Defending Support Vector Machines against Poisoning Attacks: the Hardness and Algorithm

  239. Backdoors in Neural Models of Source Code

  240. A new measure for overfitting and its implications for backdooring of deep learning

  241. An Embarrassingly Simple Approach for Trojan Attack in Deep Neural Networks

  242. MetaPoison: Practical General-purpose Clean-label Data Poisoning

  243. Backdooring and Poisoning Neural Networks with Image-Scaling Attacks

  244. Bullseye Polytope: A Scalable Clean-Label Poisoning Attack with Improved Transferability

  245. On the Effectiveness of Mitigating Data Poisoning Attacks with Gradient Shaping

  246. A Survey on Neural Trojans

  247. STRIP: A Defence Against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

    • Authors introduce a run-time based trojan detection system called STRIP or STRong Intentional Pertubation which focuses on models in computer vision
    • STRIP works by intentionally perturbing incoming inputs (ie. by image blending) and then measuring entropy to determine whether the model is trojaned or not. Low entropy violates the input-dependance assumption for a clean model and thus indicates corruption
    • Authors validate STRIPs efficacy on MNIST,CIFAR10, and GTSRB acheiveing false acceptance rates of below 1%
  248. TrojDRL: Trojan Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents

  249. Demon in the Variant: Statistical Analysis of DNNs for Robust Backdoor Contamination Detection

  250. Regula Sub-rosa: Latent Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

  251. Februus: Input Purification Defense Against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Network Systems

  252. TBT: Targeted Neural Network Attack with Bit Trojan

  253. Bypassing Backdoor Detection Algorithms in Deep Learning

  254. A backdoor attack against LSTM-based text classification systems

  255. Invisible Backdoor Attacks Against Deep Neural Networks

  256. Detecting AI Trojans Using Meta Neural Analysis

  257. Label-Consistent Backdoor Attacks

  258. Detection of Backdoors in Trained Classifiers Without Access to the Training Set

  259. ABS: Scanning neural networks for back-doors by artificial brain stimulation

  260. NeuronInspect: Detecting Backdoors in Neural Networks via Output Explanations

  261. Universal Litmus Patterns: Revealing Backdoor Attacks in CNNs

  262. Programmable Neural Network Trojan for Pre-Trained Feature Extractor

  263. Demon in the Variant: Statistical Analysis of DNNs for Robust Backdoor Contamination Detection

  264. TamperNN: Efficient Tampering Detection of Deployed Neural Nets

  265. TABOR: A Highly Accurate Approach to Inspecting and Restoring Trojan Backdoors in AI Systems

  266. Design of intentional backdoors in sequential models

  267. Design and Evaluation of a Multi-Domain Trojan Detection Method on ins Neural Networks

  268. Poison as a Cure: Detecting & Neutralizing Variable-Sized Backdoor Attacks in Deep Neural Networks

  269. Data Poisoning Attacks on Stochastic Bandits

  270. Hidden Trigger Backdoor Attacks

  271. Deep Poisoning Functions: Towards Robust Privacy-safe Image Data Sharing

  272. A new Backdoor Attack in CNNs by training set corruption without label poisoning

  273. Deep k-NN Defense against Clean-label Data Poisoning Attacks

  274. Transferable Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Deep Neural Nets

  275. Revealing Backdoors, Post-Training, in DNN Classifiers via Novel Inference on Optimized Perturbations Inducing Group Misclassification

  276. Explaining Vulnerabilities to Adversarial Machine Learning through Visual Analytics

  277. Subpopulation Data Poisoning Attacks

  278. TensorClog: An imperceptible poisoning attack on deep neural network applications

  279. DeepInspect: A black-box trojan detection and mitigation framework for deep neural networks

  280. Resilience of Pruned Neural Network Against Poisoning Attack

  281. Spectrum Data Poisoning with Adversarial Deep Learning

  282. Neural cleanse: Identifying and mitigating backdoor attacks in neural networks

  283. SentiNet: Detecting Localized Universal Attacks Against Deep Learning Systems

    • Authors develop SentiNet detection framework for locating universal attacks on neural networks
    • SentiNet is ambivalent to the attack vectors and uses model visualization / object detection techniques to extract potential attacks regions from the models input images. The potential attacks regions are identified as being the parts that influence the prediction the most. After extraction, SentiNet applies these regions to benign inputs and uses the original model to analyze the output
    • Authors stress test the SentiNet framework on three different types of attacks— data poisoning attacks, Trojan attacks, and adversarial patches. They are able to show that the framework achieves competitive metrics across all of the attacks (average true positive rate of 96.22% and an average true negative rate of 95.36%)
  284. PoTrojan: powerful neural-level trojan designs in deep learning models

  285. Hardware Trojan Attacks on Neural Networks

  286. Spectral Signatures in Backdoor Attacks

    • Identified a "spectral signatures" property of current backdoor attacks which allows the authors to use robust statistics to stop Trojan attacks
    • The "spectral signature" refers to a change in the covariance spectrum of learned feature representations that is left after a network is attacked. This can be detected by using singular value decomposition (SVD). SVD is used to identify which examples to remove from the training set. After these examples are removed the model is retrained on the cleaned dataset and is no longer Trojaned. The authors test this method on the CIFAR 10 image dataset.
  287. Defending Neural Backdoors via Generative Distribution Modeling

  288. Detecting Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks by Activation Clustering

    • Proposes Activation Clustering approach to backdoor detection/ removal which analyzes the neural network activations for anomalies and works for both text and images
    • Activation Clustering uses dimensionality techniques (ICA, PCA) on the activations and then clusters them using k-means (k=2) along with a silhouette score metric to separate poisoned from clean clusters
    • Shows that Activation Clustering is successful on three different image/datasets (MNIST, LISA, Rotten Tomatoes) as well as in settings where multiple Trojans are inserted and classes are multi-modal
  289. Model-Reuse Attacks on Deep Learning Systems

  290. How To Backdoor Federated Learning

  291. Trojaning Attack on Neural Networks

  292. Poison Frogs! Targeted Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Neural Networks

    • Proposes neural network poisoning attack that uses "clean labels" which do not require the adversary to mislabel training inputs
    • The paper also presents a optimization based method for generating their poisoning attacks and provides a watermarking strategy for end-to-end attacks that improves the poisoning reliability
    • Authors demonstrate their method by using generated poisoned frog images from the CIFAR dataset to manipulate different kinds of image classifiers
  293. Fine-Pruning: Defending Against Backdooring Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

    • Investigate two potential detection methods for backdoor attacks (Fine-tuning and pruning). They find both are insufficient on their own and thus propose a combined detection method which they call "Fine-Pruning"
    • Authors go on to show that on three backdoor techniques "Fine-Pruning" is able to eliminate or reduce Trojans on datasets in the traffic sign, speech, and face recognition domains
  294. Technical Report: When Does Machine Learning FAIL? Generalized Transferability for Evasion and Poisoning Attacks

  295. Backdoor Embedding in Convolutional Neural Network Models via Invisible Perturbation

  296. Hu-Fu: Hardware and Software Collaborative Attack Framework against Neural Networks

  297. Attack Strength vs. Detectability Dilemma in Adversarial Machine Learning

  298. Data Poisoning Attacks in Contextual Bandits

  299. BEBP: An Poisoning Method Against Machine Learning Based IDSs

  300. Generative Poisoning Attack Method Against Neural Networks

  301. BadNets: Identifying Vulnerabilities in the Machine Learning Model Supply Chain

    • Introduce Trojan Attacks— a type of attack where an adversary can create a maliciously trained network (a backdoored neural network, or a BadNet) that has state-of-the-art performance on the user’s training and validation samples, but behaves badly on specific attacker-chosen inputs
    • Demonstrate backdoors in a more realistic scenario by creating a U.S. street sign classifier that identifies stop signs as speed limits when a special sticker is added to the stop sign
  302. Towards Poisoning of Deep Learning Algorithms with Back-gradient Optimization

  303. Targeted Backdoor Attacks on Deep Learning Systems Using Data Poisoning

  304. Neural Trojans

  305. Towards Poisoning of Deep Learning Algorithms with Back-gradient Optimization

  306. Certified defenses for data poisoning attacks

  307. Data Poisoning Attacks on Factorization-Based Collaborative Filtering

  308. Data poisoning attacks against autoregressive models

  309. Using machine teaching to identify optimal training-set attacks on machine learners

  310. Poisoning Attacks against Support Vector Machines

  311. Backdoor Attacks against Learning Systems

  312. Targeted Backdoor Attacks on Deep Learning Systems Using Data Poisoning

  313. Antidote: Understanding and defending against poisoning of anomaly detectors


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