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c-at-e-file-server / 0.0.0-b7c002ae97c6ba55c6aae4dbaff7d403515dedd3

c-at-e-file-server 0.0.0-b7c002ae97c6ba55c6aae4dbaff7d403515dedd3

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @jakechampion/c-at-e-file-server@0.0.0-b7c002ae97c6ba55c6aae4dbaff7d403515dedd3
Install via package.json:
"@jakechampion/c-at-e-file-server": "0.0.0-b7c002ae97c6ba55c6aae4dbaff7d403515dedd3"

About this version


JavaScript library used to serve files from Fastly Object Store.

It is ideal for serving files built from a static site generator such as 11ty.



npm install c-at-e-file-server


get(store_name, request)

Retrieve a file from a Fastly Object Store.

Returns: response or null


Type: string

The name of the Fastly Object Store to search within.


Type: request

The request to search for a corresponding response for.


  • If the request path ends in /, then index.html is appended to the path when searching the Object Store
  • If the request path does not have an extension, then index.html is appended to the path when searching the Object Store
import { get } from "c-at-e-file-server";

async function app(event) {
  const response = await get('site', request);
  if (response) {
    return response
  } else {
    return new Response(null, { status: 404 });

addEventListener("fetch", event => event.respondWith(app(event)));