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Releases: urbit/urbit


05 Jul 16:20
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%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0v15.a5bh7.k4g2m.cla3q.9ko3q.29psk.a81d2.3h8uq.rt7ua.qahqt.j4c48


A few days ago we discovered that the root cause of eAuth being flaky was remote scries failing if the ships had not communicated through Ames before. The bug was caused by incorrect permissions in the Ames %forward-lane scry endpoint. This release contains #7028 to fix the problem.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 411k-2...411k-3


03 Jun 12:09
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%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0v1r.efrfe.6djlo.6k6g1.dlq1d.qdmgo.8nd0k.dbbhu.0oiji.rehs5.35dpv


411k-2 is a minor release to fix a congestion control issue that most commonly happens when Gall applications send a list of %facts in the initial subscription response instead of one large %fact. #6991 fixes this issue.

The release also adds the +commit-event generator to help with marooned ship recovery. This generator takes a path and creates a clay commit event from the path that can be written to unix with .event/jam +commit-event /path/to/clay/file. This event then gets saved to unix into <your-ship>/.urb/put/event.jam and can be injected to a misbehaving ship with <the-ship>/.run -I event.jam.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 411k-1...411k-2


13 May 16:44
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%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0v1v.7d11h.3r3uv.nf5q5.dmn7e.oh2k5.laq86.hpq3c.qdh77.dqicb.k6s76


411-1 is an intermediate release with bugfixes and features that didn't quite make it to 411.

The highlights of this release include:

  • The verb+ log viewer in the debug dashboard (#6959).
  • A bugfix for a problem where publishers of popular desks would take hours to run |commit.
  • A bugfix for scenarios where Gall agents would receive a breach update before Gall the vane.
  • Type shadows for commonly used types that used to print extremely large outputs in nest-fails.
  • Ames and Gall bugfixes for "ignoring message on closing bone" spam.

This is not a kelvin release and therefore includes no breaking changes.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 411k...411k-1


03 May 13:35
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411k-1-rc3 Pre-release


During pre-release testing of 411k-1-rc2 it was discovered that Jael was delivering subscription updates to Gall the vane and individual Gall agents in an undefined order. This means that apps such as %phoenix that immediately poke a ship when hearing it breach would often never receive the poke-ack. This release candidate contains #6980 to fix the issue.

What's Changed

  • jael: notify gall the vane before notifying gall agents by @pkova in #6980

Full Changelog: 411k-1-rc2...411k-1-rc3


22 Apr 13:03
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411k-1-rc2 Pre-release


During pre-release testing of 411k-1-rc1 we discovered that doing commits on ships publishing popular desks could take hours. The cause for this was found to be excessive %clog checking in Ames. This release candidate contains #6970 to fix the problem. Note that this bug pre-existed 411k-1-rc1.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 411k-1-rc1...411k-1-rc2


12 Apr 12:15
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411k-1-rc1 Pre-release

What's Changed


25 Mar 14:47
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%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0v1j.tpk01.3hm2i.54kf6.jic8l.cl9e6.vi5gh.bu7or.l9pnu.ovup1.b4l49

%zuse 411
%lull 323
%arvo 237
%hoon 138


The highlights of 411 are the following:

  • Encrypted remote scry, both two-party and multiparty versions.
  • Informal pings, significantly lessening the load on galaxies. Most ships will still ping their galaxies every 25 seconds but now these pings don't go to disk. The pings previously prevented galaxies from serving more than a few thousand ships without workarounds.
  • Epoch system. Every subsequent vere version creates its own epoch of the event log, making jet mismatches less of a hassle. The urbit chop command also actually deletes the event log now instead of making a backup.
  • Persistent Nock Caching allows us to cache any computation. We are starting slow with this one to get a better idea of the memory usage, but this will allow us to eventually cache everything from initial boot to most of the Ford build system.
  • MDNS local routing. Ships on the local network or the same machine can leverage Bonjour on macOS and Avahi on Linux to automatically find each other. This helps connectivity in scenarios where the router does not do NAT hairpinning and will probably be the preferred method of establishing connections for hosting providers in the future.

Encrypted remote scry guide

The ames %chum task is the two-party encrypted remote scry task. The task has the exact same interface as the ames %keen. Here is an example of fetching sys.kelvin from ~zod from inside a gall agent:

[%pass /your-wire %arvo %a %chum ~zod /c/x/1/kids/sys/kelvin]

The multiparty encrypted scry is slightly more complicated. First, the publisher creates a named security context with the %germ:

 [%pass /your-wire %germ /your/security/context]

Then the publisher publishes some data to the security context using %tend:

 [%pass /your-wire %tend /your/security/context /hello/this/is/path %noun 'hello this is data']

Finally the publishing agent has to implement a scry handler for the security context:

++  on-peek
  |=  =path
  ^-  (unit (unit cage))
  ?.  ?=([%c %your %security %context @ ~] path)  
    ``[%noun !>(%.n)]
  =/  =ship  (slav %p i.t.t.t.t.path)
  ?:  =(~dinleb-rambep ship)  :: your whitelist logic here
    ``[%noun !>(%.y)]
  ``[%noun !>(%.n)]

Now the client can use the gall %keen to request data from /your/security/context, as long as he has the permissions:

[%pass /your-wire %keen %.y ~sampel-palnet /g/x/1/your-agent//1/your/security/context/hello/this/is/path]

Breaking changes

  • The signature of the ames %keen task has changed from [%keen spar] to [%keen sec=(unit [idx=@ key=@]) spar]. Most applications will want to change to using the gall %keen [%keen secret=? spar:ames], or alternatively the two-party encrypted %chum.
    • Note that the keen function in /lib/strandio has been updated and your application requires no changes if you were using that.
  • We discovered a bug breaking referential transparency in certain scenarios of remote scrying into gall. A fix has been deployed, but we also decided to version the namespace to mitigate these kinds of issues in the future. When upgrading to 411, all gall remote scry paths will be migrated to the new versioning scheme. See #6852 for details.
  • The map function rut:by does not exist anymore, use the equivalent urn:by.

What's Changed

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22 Mar 11:45
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411k-rc7 Pre-release

%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0vu.4lalo.1euu0.jjeft.b716o.7k9jn.8smc6.u3uq2.5pdl9.2h7m3.l7u21


During pre-release testing of 411k-rc6 a bug was discovered with multiparty encrypted remote scry key reservation. This bug would break most old keys when a publisher would create a new encrypted remote scry key. This release candidate contains #6944 to fix the issue.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 411k-rc6...411k-rc7


19 Mar 13:06
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411k-rc6 Pre-release

%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0vt.hfkmt.tftl6.1ff0a.npdhm.ovq33.jrle6.2lqnt.vsatd.bj2k2.gurqp


During pre-release testing of 411k-rc5 a serious problem was discovered with informal pings. This problem caused ships that were behind a NAT and running previous 411k release candidates to lose connectivity after restarting their ship. This release candidate incorporates #6936 and #6937 to fix the issue.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 411k-rc5...411k-rc6


12 Mar 13:30
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411k-rc5 Pre-release

%base hash (check with +vat %base): 0v4.4r8a7.jt8e9.rhrjb.3pinr.oi4o9.06nbf.9fasn.tmf8s.0ur6v.uc2vk


During pre-release testing of 411k-rc4 a regression was found in the -keen thread where pressing backspace to cancel the thread would not actually cancel the %keen request in ames. This release candidate contains #6931 to fix the bug.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 411k-rc4...411k-rc5