Indoor localization analysis to find accuracy, error, plot cdf vs error for both FM and WiFi RSSI
Location algorithm that computes the coordinates of the source based on distances from multiple stations
Scan for BLE Beacons (iBeacon and Eddystone) using Python. Designed to be used with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+
System for aggregating beacon data and associated support software
This repository is dedicated to test a dataset of RSSI Indoor Location Algorithm, currently using Trilateration and KNN.
Bluetooth Proximity Detection using Python
Weighted centroid and basic trilateration on RSSI values from WIFI APs and BLE beacons.
Localize your cat at home with BLE beacon, ESP32s, and Machine Learning
RSSI dataset for Fingerprinting with Zigbee, BLE and WiFi
Position Annotated BLE RSSI dataset for indoor localization