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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 30, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Pre-requisite Software

  • WAMP is recommended but the minimum requirement is PHP 5.4 for running Composer

Code Installation

  • Download and unzip to your WAMP's www directory placing all code within a gulp-starter directory
    • Or change localProjectBaseDir in config.json to whatever directory name you have chosen to use
    • Other path variables exist in config.json but take care when modifying these
  • If instead you choose to clone this repo using the GitHub client, copy the contents of this repo to your WAMP's www directory (placing all code within a gulp-starter directory)
    • This way your cloned copy can remain clean
      • Should you choose to use this repo for other projects simply repeat the process of copying the cloned repo to a new location
  • Drop all code that requires pre-processing (so fonts, images, JavaScript and CSS) into the /app directory adhering to the following structure
    • Everything else can go into /public_html
      • So *.html, *.php, etc.

Directory Structure


File Configuration

  • All script tags linking to a local source should be removed - from your footer where they should be - and replaced with one, single call
    • /public_html/scripts/all.min.js is all JavaScript stored in /app/scripts concatenated into one file
<script src="scripts/all.min.js"></script>

Optional tasks if you wish to setup for working remotely

  • Assuming you have configured your remote web server for SSH access
    • Add your private SSH key file to /secure and name the file private (without any extension)
      • Remember it must be in the OpenSSH format
  • Change webAccount in config.json to that of your remote development web account
    • e.g. wdu999
  • Amend .ftppass to contain the passphrase linked to your SSH details and the user/web account you want to SFTP into
    • The web account set for development should be the same as that set for webAccount in config.json (as ^above^)
    • Define the details of your production environment in the same way you have done for development
    • For info, by default uploads are transferred to public_html on the remote web server no matter what environment is used
  • Change symbolicLink in config.json to that set for your production environment

Node.js Installation

  • Install Node.js - (Windows Installer)
  • To check your installation is configured properly, open a terminal and type in node --version
    • This should return a version number at or above 0.12.x

Composer Installation

  • Install Composer -
    • You may need to enable OpenSSL in your PHP installation by going directly to ./wamp/bin/php/php-5.4.x/php.ini and enabling the OpenSSL extension
  • Double-click global-installs-composer.cmd to run the installation
    • The prompt window will close itself when setup has finished successfully
  • Add %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin to the PATH System Variable
    • Start → Run → control sysdm.cpl,,3
  • To check your installation is configured properly, open a terminal and type in composer --version
    • This should return a long hash similar to a309e1d89ded6919935a842faeaed8e888fbfe37
  • Copy the directory ./gulp-starter/composer_plugins/vendor/squizlabs/and paste at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\
    • Click 'Yes' when the 'Confirm Folder Replace' dialog appears
    • Click 'Copy and Replace' when the 'Copy File' dialog appears

Gulp Installation (incl. Bower)

Pre-requisite command:

$ npm install --global gulp

Running Gulp and its dependencies locally

  • Ensure config.json has skipLocalInstall set to false


$ npm update --save-dev
$ gulp

Running Gulp and its dependencies globally

  • Ensure config.json has skipLocalInstall set to true
  • Ensure ./node_modules is deleted or empty

First command:

$ global-installs-npm.cmd

Modify gulp to run globally

  • Start → Run → %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js
    • @ Line ~84
if (!env.modulePath) {
    env.modulePath = process.env.USERPROFILE + '/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/gulp/';
    env.modulePackage.version = cliPackage.version;

    gutil.log('Local gulp not found in'),
    gutil.log('Try running: npm install gulp'));
Mac OS X
  • Terminal → nano /usr/local/lib/node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js
    • @ Line ~84
if (!env.modulePath) {
    env.modulePath = '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/gulp/';
    env.modulePackage.version = cliPackage.version;

    gutil.log('Local gulp not found in'),
    gutil.log('Try running: npm install gulp'));

Final command:

$ gulp

Choose how you want to work

Working locally

$ gulp
  • Open the terminal within your project directory - leave this prompt open after execution
  • This task will build everything and push it to /public_html
    • gulp will open up Chrome to this page - keep this page open
  • Begin coding as you normally would and any changes to your code will be mimicked in your browser without having to reload the page

Working remotely in your development environment

$ gulp app:upload:dist
  • Open the terminal within your project directory - leave this prompt open after execution
    • This command uses the development environmental details specified in .ftppass
    • To form a URL it combines remoteBaseDevUrl ('homepages') with webAccount as set in config.json
  • This will build everything and push the code in /public_html to your development web server following the same directory structure
    • gulp will open up Chrome to this page - keep this page open
  • Begin coding as you normally would pressing Ctrl + F5 to view your file changes

Working remotely in your production environment

$ gulp app:upload:dist --production
  • Open the terminal within your project directory - leave this prompt open after execution
    • This command uses the production environmental details specified in .ftppass
    • To form a URL it changes to use remoteBaseProdUrl ('www') combined with symbolicLink as set in config.json
    • It also fully minifies and obfuscates JavaScript and removes all console logging whilst preserving license comment blocks
  • This will build everything and push the code in /public_html to your production web server following the same directory structure
    • gulp will open up Chrome to this page - keep this page open
  • Begin coding as you normally would pressing Ctrl + F5 to view your file changes

Other gulp Tasks

$ gulp app:build:documentation
$ gulp app:build:styles:src:critical
$ gulp app:generate:dist:pagespeed
$ gulp app:generate:dist:screenshots
$ gulp app:generate:src:stats
$ gulp app:lint:dist:htmlhint
$ gulp app:lint:dist:phpcpd
$ gulp app:lint:dist:phpcs
$ gulp app:lint:dist:phpcbf
$ gulp app:lint:dist:phpmd
$ gulp app:lint:src:csslint
$ gulp app:lint:src:jscs
$ gulp app:lint:src:jshint
$ gulp app:process:path --folder public_html
$ gulp bower:install

Rule Configuration Files

  • .htmlhintrc
    • Contains rules (in JSON format) for checking HTML files
    • Open a terminal within your project directory and type in gulp htmlhint to run the associated task
  • .jscsrc
    • Contains rules (in JSON format) for checking JavaScript files
    • You will need to amend the jscs task in gulpfile.js to run against a JavaScript file of your choosing that resides within /app/scripts
    • Open a terminal within your project directory and type in gulp jscs to run the associated task



  • If you're doing any cross-browser testing with BrowserStack's local setup, you can edit when running $ gulp and live-reload directly inside of a BrowserStack VM.
    • Use 3000 as the port number and untick HTTPS

Chrome and Gulp (Optional)

$ npm install --global gulp-devtools

  • Download the Gulp Devtools extension for Chrome Developer Tools from the Chrome Web Store
  • Open a terminal within your project directory and type in gulp-devtools
  • Open Chrome Developer tools and find the Gulp tab
    • Your gulp tasks should now be accessible to run within Chrome

Creating Multiple Build Targets

A custom build target should have a separate config_custom_target.json file.

Usage example:

$ gulp --load-config custom_target

Makes Gulp use the values from config_custom_target.json in order to create a custom build target.