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  • Add option to run on all cameras in the scene except for defaults.
    • Or add a widget that presents all cameras available in scene and allows the user to choose what cameras to run the operation on...
  • Update near and far QLineEdits to QDoubleSpinBox
  • If the user presses enter in the near and far widget, this should envoke the "apply"


Maya UI Tool to reset the scenes camera(s) clip plane values.

Screenshot of a Reset Camera Clip Planes UI session in Maya

Install and displaying the UI

  1. Download this repo
  2. copy into:
    • Windows: $HOME/maya/scripts e.g. on my instance of Windows it would beC:/Users/johnco/Documents/maya/scripts
  3. From a Python Buffer in the Maya Script Editor, execute the below:
    • Windows:
    import os
    script_path = "{home}/maya/scripts/".format(home=os.path.expandvars("$HOME"))
    # e.g. "C:/Users/johnco/Documents/maya/scripts/"

Screenshot of a Reset Camera Clip Planes UI session in Maya


With the tool open...
Screenshot of the Reset Camera Clip Planes UI

Reset Camera Clip Planes Operation

1. Set the clip plane values to desired values
  1. Choose the camera context to for the "Apply" operation to execute on.

    • Can either be run on the selected cameras in the scene
    • Or on all cameras
  2. Click apply to reset the cameras clip plane values

Camaera Manipulator display

Maya has a handy feature to display a manipulator visualising the near and far clip planes for a camera Demo of the Maya Camera Clip planes manipulator

The toolbox provides options

  • Show or hide the manipulator for cameras
  • The camera context to run on can either be on "Selection" or on "All" cameras in the scene Screenshot of the Camaera Manipulator Tool area


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