Interests: Machine learning (time-series and graphs), Explainable AI, Social networks, Venture capital
Currently: Learning Lisp & CUDA
🕵️ reddit-detective: Detect political disinformation campaigns, discover how ideas spread between communities, find "cyborg-like" activities carried out by bots and more in Reddit
🏰 Jomini: What if Byzantines had more soldiers in 1453? You can model this and many other historical battles
🐤 TIA is an advanced Twitter stalking/analysis tool powered by machine learning.
💰 Trying a New Fraud Detection Approach for Trust Networks While trying to detect fraud rings in the bitcoin-otc network, I came up with an individual fraud detection approach which is better than 9 of 10 well-known network-based fraud detection algorithms for this problem. (At least for this data set, I'll try it in different datasets and tune the models when I have time for that)