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Use grunt and bower to create a python package of static resources for web applications

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Common accessories for web applications

The purpose of this project is to provide a common code base for providing command static resources, such as css and javascript, for my pyramid projects. This is basically just a metapackage that depends on many javascript libraries that are deployed with fanstatic. I create the css files with compass, and while a framework is here to compile css with compass, as well as compile javascript using coffee, this is usually done at the project level.
The framework here only provides a reference for how this can be done in the project.

Also, with regards to generating css, the sass/partials directory is used as a set of components where resources are built. This directory is symlinked in the sass directory of my projects, which is what I will be doing until I find a better method of using the compenents, or spend the time to create mixins.


Setup Compass

Make sure rubygems is on your system:

sudo apt-get install rubygems

Setup local gem environment:

mkdir -p ~/local/gems

Add to ~/.bashrc:

#setup gems if directory exists
if [ -d ~/local/gems ]; then
    export GEM_HOME=~/local/gems
    export PATH=~/local/gems/bin:$PATH

Source the bashrc or spawn another shell and install the gems:

gem install compass
gem install susy
gem install sassy-buttons
gem install bootstrap-sass
gem install compass-ui

In the haberdashery directory, prepare and compile css:

compass compile

Setup NodeJS

Get nodejs for debian

For debian, build a current version of nodejs using the build scripts in this repository:

Follow the instructions to build the debian package, then install it.

Then, install these packages globally:

sudo npm install -g coffee-script
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g bower

Build Haberdashery

In the project directory, get the packages for grunt:

npm install

Then install the bower packages:

bower install

Bower packages can contain whole git repositories, which can be excessive when deploying a python package of static resources. I have written a script that helps to deploy only what is needed from the bower components. The script is not very smart, but handles any bower package that points to a single file, or list of files very well.


Next, we need some google fonts. We need the requests package for python to run the next script. Either install it system wide:

sudo apt-get install python-requests

or install it into your virtualenv:

pip install requests

Then download the fonts from google by running a python script:


This will install the fonts in the haberdashery package directory.

run grunt


make package

python (develop/install/sdist)

CSS Framework

  • Compass:
    Compass is the tool I use to generate my CSS resources. The CSS specification has no definitios for variables, forcing many web developers to make class names such as "green" and then add CSS code like this:

     .green {
     background-color: green;

    But what the developer really needs is something more along this idea:

     .warn {
     background-color: $warning-background;

    . . . which helps to simplify the structure of the CSS and remove some of the bad hacks that are used to workaround the deficiencies of the CSS specification.

  • Susy: Susy is a grid layout system that will allow for responsive webpages. I am not using this anymore, as bootstrap is currently handling the responsive grid layout, but Susy is superior to bootstrap and since I am also using bootstrap-sass, I feel that I can eventually reimplement the bootstrap grid layout in Susy.

  • Sassy Buttons: This is a collection of mixins and defaults that help a developer make custom buttons very easily.

  • Bootstrap for Sass: This wonderful package allows me to refrain from using the css that is provided with bootstrap and quickly make a custom version that I can integrate more closely with other objects on the page. Having bootstrap in this form allows me to adjust how bootstrap operates and allows me to only choose the parts I need (Currently everything is included).

  • FontAwesome: Instead of just using the basic css, I have chosen to use the fontawesome-sass distribution. This provides scalable vector icons to websites.

  • Compass UI: This compass plugin provides the ability to generate jQueryUI themes with a minimum of effort. I have spent hours on the themeroller before trying to create a custom theme that would match the general colors that I use on a web page. With this plugin, all I have to do is set the variables to correspond to the color variables that I use elsewhere on the page and I instantly get themed widgets that don't look like they came from another site.

Basic Javascript Libraries

  • Requirejs: Required.

  • jQuery: jQuery is a very good for selecting and maninpulating elements in the DOM.

  • jQuery User Interface: jQueryUI is used for the fullcalendar widget, as well as for dialog boxes and other user interface elements that aren't used through boostrap. The corresponding styles are maintained with compass.

  • Bootstrap v3: Bootstrap is a CSS/Javascript framework used to help make responsive websites. Bootstrap was selected to be used in order to serve to mobile devices. The CSS is handled through compass with bootstrap-sass.

  • Underscore.js: Underscore is a library full of useful utilities, and like jqueryui, is depended upon by other javascript libraries I use.

  • Backbone.js: Backbone is an excellent library that provides an api to make very rich views tied to models that are seamlessly synchronized with the server via a REST interface.

  • FullCalendar: FullCalendar is a very good library that provides an interactive calendar where events can be retrieved dynamically and grouped, colored, or otherwised styled in many ways. The calendar provides monthly, weekly, and daily view models to interact with.

  • Ace Editor: The ACE editor is a good text editor that is very useful for editing html, css, java/coffee scripts, and other formats that aren't being used yet.

  • CoffeeScript: I am currently experimenting executing coffeescript on the client using the browser to compile the code. While compilation is generally quick on the browser, the size of the compiler (196KB, and already minified) encourages me to consider implementing server side compilation.

  • Teacup: "Teacup is templates in CoffeeScript." -- nuff said http:

Misc Javascript

This section lists libraries and widgets that I am experimenting with:

Knockback http:

TinyMCE http:

Modernizr http:

EJS Templating (I was using this until found out about teacup)

Creating CSS

This project is configured to make use of compass to compile sass/scss stylesheets into css to be deployed through fanstatic.

Using Javascript

This project is using coffeescript to generate javascript to be deployed. The coffee command is best installed by installing the nodejs packages from sid (I used apt pinning for this), then using the npm installer to install coffee to /usr/local. (more info on this when I remember what I did).

Coffee Script: http:

Other Packages

This package uses jQuery2 to provide the jquery resource. This is meant to be a drop-in replacement for js.jquery, and using this modification shouldn't be required for the rest of the code to work properly.

This update was necessary for EJS templates. I created an update script that helps to upgrade the package periodically.

I have been upgrading to deform version 2. This package is currently just a mirror of .


Minified Resources

The watch script will automatically minify every scss/sass and coffee file that is created or modified. In order to do this, you need to install yui-compressor. I am using the package from wheezy to provide this.

New System

Fanstatic has been removed completely. All javascript dependencies are now being maintained with javascript development tools. Package management is community driven and operated. By partitioning the project to have the appropriate community help maintain the packages and dependencies, I firmly feel that the project can be more easily updated and maintained.


  • Clean stdlib directory. Make sure bower package exists for each resource.

  • Start tracking css selector usage and use this to make smaller stylesheets.

  • Use requrirejs optimizer on each app's main.js and build single concatenated file of app tree.


Use grunt and bower to create a python package of static resources for web applications






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