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ujjax authored Jan 21, 2018
1 parent c72b5f8 commit bc15f9c
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Showing 4 changed files with 326 additions and 0 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from __future__ import print_function

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

class DataLoader(object):
def __init__(self, file_path):
data =

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from __future__ import print_function

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.rnn import *

def LSTMCell(hidden_dim, num_layers, cell_type = 'LSTM'):
if cell_type == 'LSTM':
cell = BasicLSTMCell(hidden_dim)

raise ValueError('This cell type is not supported')

if num_layers>1:
cell = [cell]*num_layers
cell = MultiRNNCell(cell)

return cell

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

import time
import random
import load
from itertools import chain

from z_forcing import Z_Forcing

def evaluate():

def train():

if __name__ == '__main__':
271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
from __future__ import print_function

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import math

from lstm_cell import *

def log_prob_gaussian(x, mu, log_vars, mean=False):
lp = - 0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi) \
- log_vars / 2 - (x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * tf.exp(log_vars))
if mean:
return tf.reduce_mean(lp, -1)
return tf.reduce_sum(lp, -1)

def log_prob_bernoulli(x, mu):
lp = x * tf.log(mu + 1e-5) + (1. - y) * tf.log(1. - mu + 1e-5)
return lp

def gaussian_kld(mu_left, logvar_left, mu_right, logvar_right):
Compute KL divergence between a bunch of univariate Gaussian distributions
with the given means and log-variances.
We do KL(N(mu_left, logvar_left) || N(mu_right, logvar_right)).
gauss_klds = 0.5 * (logvar_right - logvar_left +
(tf.exp(logvar_left) / tf.exp(logvar_right)) +
((mu_left - mu_right)**2.0 / tf.exp(logvar_right)) - 1.0)
assert len(gauss_klds.size()) == 2
return tf.reduce_sum(gauss_klds, 1)

class Z_Forcing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
self.rnn_dim = rnn_dim
self.mlp_dim = mlp_dim
self.z_dim = z_dim
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.dropout_keep_prob = dropout_keep_prob
self.embedding_dropout = embedding_dropout
self.cond_ln = cond_ln

if output_type == 'bernoulli' or output_type == 'softmax':
with tf.variable_scope('embedding_scope'):
self.embedding = tf.get_variable(name = 'embedding', initializer = self._init_matrix([self.vocab_size,self.embedding_dim]))

with tf.name_scope('embedding_dropout'):
self.embedding_matrix = tf.nn.dropout(self.embedding, keep_prob=self.embedding_dropout, noise_shape=[self.vocab_size,1])

self.bwd_mod = LSTMCell(self.embedding_dim, self.rnn_dim, self.num_layers)
if not cond_ln:
self.fwd_mod = LSTMCell(self.rnn_dim)
self.fwd_mod = LayerNormBasicLSTMCell(self.rnn_dim)

self.fwd_out_mod = self._linear(rnn_dim, out_dim)
self.bwd_out_mod = self._linear(rnn_dim, out_dim)

def _aux_mod(self, inputs):
temp = self._linear(self.z_dim +self.rnn_dim, self.mlp_dim)
temp = self._LReLU(temp)
return temp = self._linear(self.mlp_dim, 2 * self.rnn_dim)

def _gen_mod(self, inputs, cond_ln = self.cond_ln):
if cond_ln:
temp = self._linear(self.z_dim, self.mlp_dim)
temp = self._LReLU(temp)
return temp = self._linear(self.mlp_dim, 8 * self.rnn_dim)

return self._linear(self.z_dim,self.mlp_dim)

def _inf_mod(self, inputs):
temp = self._linear(self.rnn_dim * 2, self.mlp_dim)
temp = self._LReLU(temp)
return temp = self._linear(mlp_dim, z_dim * 2)

def _pri_mode(self, inputs):
temp = self._linear(inputs, self.mlp_dim)
temp = self._LReLU(temp)
temp = self._linear(temp, self.z_dim * 2)
return temp

def _LReLU(self, input_tensor ,slope = 1.0/3):
return tf.clip_by_value(tf.leaky_relu(input_tensor, slope), -3. ,3.)

def _linear(self, input_tensor, output_dim, scope=None):

change_dimension = tf.shape(input_tensor)[-1]

if len(tf.shape(input_tensor))>2:
input_tensor = tf.reshape(input_tensor, [-1, change_dimension])

if len(tf.shape(input_tensor))<=1:
raise ValueError('Shape of input tensor should be greater than 1')

with tf.variable_scope(scope or "linear"):
weight = tf.get_variable("weight", [change_dimension, output_dim], dtype=input_tensor.dtype)
bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [output_dim], dtype=input_tensor.dtype)

return tf.matmul(input_tensor, weight) + bias

def _init_matrix(self, shape):
return tf.random_normal(shape, stddev=0.1)
def reparametrize(self, mu, logvar, eps=None):
std = logvar.mul(0.5).exp_()
if eps is None:
eps = Variable(
return eps.mul(std).add_(mu)

def fwd_pass(self, x_fwd, hidden, bwd_states=None, z_step=None):
with tf.variable_scope('forward-pass'):
self.x_fwd = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.embedding, x_fwd)
n_steps = tf.shape(self.x_fwd)[0]
states = [(hidden[0][0], hidden[1][0])]
klds, zs, log_pz, log_qz, aux_cs = [], [], [], [], []

eps = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal())

assert (z_step is None) or (n_steps == 1)

for step in n_steps:
states_step = states[step]
x_step = self.x_fwd[step]
h_step, c_step = states_step[0], states_step[1]
r_step = eps[step]

pri_params = self._pri_mod(h_step)
pri_params = tf.clip_by_value(pri_params, -8., 8.)
pri_mu, pri_logvar = tf.split(pri_params, 2, axis = 1)

if bwd_states is not None:
b_step = bwd_states[step]
inf_params = self._inf_mod(tf.concat(h_step, b_step, axis =1))
inf_params = tf.clip_by_value(inf_params, -8. , 8.)
inf_mu, inf_logvar = tf.split(inf_params, 2, axis = 1)
kld = gaussian_kld(inf_mu, inf_logvar, pri_mu, pri_logvar)
z_step = self.reparametrize(inf_mu, inf_logvar, eps=r_step)

if self.z_force:
h_step_ = h_step * 0.
h_step_ = h_step

aux_params = self.aux_mod(tf.concat(h_step_, z_step, axis =1))
aux_params = tf.clip_by_value(aux_params, -8., 8.)
aux_mu, aux_logvar = tf.split(aux_params, 2, axis = 1)

b_step_ = tf.stop_gradient(b_step)

if self.use_l2:
aux_step = tf.reduce_sum((b_step_ - tf.tanh(aux_mu)) ** 2.0, 1)
aux_step = -log_prob_gaussian(
b_step_, tf.tanh(aux_mu), aux_logvar, mean=False)

if z_step is None:
z_step = self.reparametrize(pri_mu, pri_logvar, eps=r_step)

aux_step = tf.reduce_sum(pri_mu * 0., -1)
inf_mu, inf_logvar = pri_mu, pri_logvar
kld = aux_step

i_step = self._gen_mod(z_step)

if self.cond_ln:
i_step = tf.clip_by_value(i_step, -3, 3)
gain_hh, bias_hh = tf.split(i_step, 2, axis = 1)
gain_hh = 1. + gain_hh
h_new, c_new = self.fwd_mod(x_step, (h_step, c_step),
gain_hh=gain_hh, bias_hh=bias_hh)

h_new, c_new = self.fwd_mod(tf.concat(i_step, x_step, axis = 1),
(h_step, c_step))

states.append((h_new, c_new))
log_pz.append(log_prob_gaussian(z_step, pri_mu, pri_logvar))
log_qz.append(log_prob_gaussian(z_step, inf_mu, inf_logvar))

klds = tf.stack(klds, 0)
aux_cs = tf.stack(aux_cs, 0)
log_pz = tf.stack(log_pz, 0)
log_qz = tf.stack(log_qz, 0)
zs = tf.stack(zs, 0)

outputs = [s[0] for s in states[1:]]
outputs = tf.stack(outputs, 0)
outputs = self.fwd_out_mod(outputs)
return outputs, states[1:], klds, aux_cs, zs, log_pz, log_qz

def infer(self, x, hidden):
x_ = x[:-1]
y_ = x[1:]
bwd_states, bwd_outputs = self.bwd_pass(x_, y_, hidden)
fwd_outputs, fwd_states, klds, aux_nll, zs, log_pz, log_qz = self.fwd_pass(
x_, hidden, bwd_states=bwd_states)
return zs

def bwd_pass(self, x, y, hidden):
idx = np.arange(y.size(0))[::-1].tolist()
idx = torch.LongTensor(idx)
idx = Variable(idx).cuda()

# invert the targets and revert back
x_bwd = y.index_select(0, idx)
x_bwd = tf.concat(x_bwd, x[:1], axis = 0)
x_bwd = self.emb_mod(x_bwd)
states, _ = self.bwd_mod(x_bwd, hidden)
outputs = self.bwd_out_mod(states[:-1])
states = states.index_select(0, idx)
outputs = outputs.index_select(0, idx)
return states, outputs

def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, hidden, return_stats=False):
nsteps, nbatch = tf.shape(x)[0], tf.shape(x)[1]
bwd_states, bwd_outputs = self.bwd_pass(x, y, hidden)
fwd_outputs, fwd_states, klds, aux_nll, zs, log_pz, log_qz = self.fwd_pass(
x, hidden, bwd_states=bwd_states)
kld = tf.reduce_sum((klds * x_mask),axis=0)
log_pz = tf.reduce_sum(log_pz * x_mask , axis =0)
log_qz = tf.reduce_sum(log_qz * x_mask, axis =0)
aux_nll = tf.reduce_sum(aux_nll * x_mask, axis =0)

if self.out_type == 'gaussian':
out_mu, out_logvar = tf.split(fwd_outputs, 2, axis = -1)
fwd_nll = -log_prob_gaussian(y, out_mu, out_logvar)
fwd_nll = tf.reduce_sum(fwd_nll * x_mask, axis =0)
out_mu, out_logvar = tf.split(bwd_outputs, 2, axis = -1)
bwd_nll = -log_prob_gaussian(x, out_mu, out_logvar)
bwd_nll = tf.reduce_sum(bwd_nll * x_mask, axis =0)

elif self.out_type == 'softmax':
fwd_out = tf.reshape(fwd_outputs,[nsteps * nbatch, self.out_dim])
fwd_out = tf.nn.log_softmax(fwd_out)
y = tf.reshape(y,[-1, 1])
fwd_nll = tf.squeeze(torch.gather(fwd_out, y, axis =1), axis =1)
fwd_nll = tf.reshape(fwd_nll,[nsteps, nbatch])
fwd_nll = tf.reduce_sum(-(fwd_nll * x_mask),axis=0)
bwd_out = tf.reshape(bwd_outputs,[nsteps * nbatch, self.out_dim])
bwd_out = tf.nn.log_softmax(bwd_out)
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 1])
bwd_nll = tf.squeeze(torch.gather(bwd_out, x, axis =1), axis=1)
bwd_nll = tf.reshape(-bwd_nll,[nsteps, nbatch])
bwd_nll = tf.reduce_sum((bwd_nll * x_mask),axis =0)

if return_stats:
return fwd_nll, bwd_nll, aux_nll, kld, log_pz, log_qz

return tf.reduce_mean(fwd_nll), tf.reduce_mean(bwd_nll), tf.reduce_mean(aux_nll), tf.reduce_mean(kld_nll)

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