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This software implements a high-throughput data processing pipeline to identify and charaterize SARS-CoV-2 variant sequences in specimens from COVID-19 positive hosts or environments.


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C-VIEW: COVID-19 VIral Epidemiology Workflow

This software implements a high-throughput data processing pipeline to identify and charaterize SARS-CoV-2 variant sequences in specimens from COVID-19 positive hosts or environments. It is based on and built for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 machine instances and S3 data storage.

Table of Contents

  1. Installing the Pipeline
  2. Creating a Cluster
  3. Running the Pipeline

Installing the Pipeline

Note: Usually it will NOT be necessary to install the pipeline from scratch. The most current version of the pipeline is pre-installed on the so-labeled Amazon Web Services snapshot in region us-west-2 (Oregon), and this snapshot can be used directly to create a cluster.

If a fresh installation is required, take the following steps:

  1. On AWS, launch a new ubuntu 20.04 instance
    1. Note that it MUST be version 20.04, not the latest available ubuntu version (e.g. 22.04) because 20.04 is the latest version supported by AWS ParallelCluster.
    2. Select type t2.medium
    3. Add a 35 GB root drive and a 300 GB EBS drive
    4. Set the security group to allow SSH via TCP on port 22 and all traffic via all protocols on all ports
  2. ssh onto new instance to set up file system and mount
    1. Run lsblk to find the name of the 300 GB EBS drive. For the remainder, of this section, assume lsblk shows that the name of the 300 GB volume is xvdb.
    2. Run sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/xvdb to make a filesystem on the new drive
    3. Run sudo mkdir /shared to create a location for the installation
    4. Run sudo mount /dev/xvdb /shared to mount the 300 GB volume to the new location
    5. Run sudo chown `whoami` /shared to grant the current user permissions to the new location
  3. Install anaconda and python
    1. Run cd /shared
    2. Run wget
    3. Run bash
    4. Answer yes when asked to accept the license agreement
    5. Enter /shared/workspace/software/anaconda3 when asked for the install location
    6. Answer yes when asked whether to have the installer run conda init
    7. Log out of the ssh session and then back in to allow the conda install to take effect
  4. Install C-VIEW
    1. Run cd /shared
    2. Download
    3. Run bash
    4. Answer yes whenever asked for permission to proceed
  5. On AWS, make a snapshot of the newly installed 300 GB volume

Note that the pipeline uses the following external software programs, which are installed via the script:

Creating a Cluster

The pipeline is designed to run on a version 3 or later AWS ParallelCluster. Begin by ensuring that ParallelCluster is installed on your local machine; if it is not, take these steps:

  1. Set up a conda environment and and install ParallelCluster
    1. Run conda create --name parallelcluster3 python=3
    2. Run conda activate parallelcluster3
    3. Run python3 -m pip install --upgrade aws-parallelcluster
  2. In the parallelcluster3 environment, install Node Version Manager and Node.js, which are (apparently) required by AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
    1. Run curl -o- | bash
    2. Run chmod ug+x ~/.nvm/
    3. Run source ~/.nvm/
    4. Run nvm install --lts
    5. Check your install by running node --version and pcluster version

Next, ensure you have a pem file registered with AWS and that you have run aws configure locally to set up AWS command line access from your local machine. Then prepare a cluster configuration yaml file using the below template:

Region: us-west-2
  Os: ubuntu2004
  - MountDir: /shared
    Name: custom
    StorageType: Ebs
      Size: 300
      SnapshotId: <snapshot of current cview release, e.g. snap-09264bf02660b54ad >
  InstanceType: t2.medium
    SubnetId: subnet-06ff527fa2d5827a3
# subnet-06ff527fa2d5827a3 is parallelcluster:public-subnet
    KeyName: <name of your pem file without extension, e.g. my_key for a file named my_key.pem >
  Scheduler: slurm
    - Name: default-queue
            Size: 500
          - subnet-06ff527fa2d5827a3
# subnet-06ff527fa2d5827a3 is parallelcluster:public-subnet
        - Name: default-resource
          MaxCount: 15
          InstanceType: r5d.24xlarge

To create a new cluster from the command line, run

pcluster create-cluster \
    --cluster-name <your-cluster-name> \
    --cluster-configuration <your-config-file-name>.yaml

(If you experience an error referencing Node.js, you may need to once again run source ~/.nvm/ to ensure it is accessible from your shell.) The cluster creation progress can be monitored from the CloudFormation->Stacks section of the AWS Console.

Once the cluster is successfully created, log in to the head node. To avoid having to use its public IPv4 DNS, one can run

pcluster ssh --cluster-name <your_cluster_name> -i /path/to/keyfile.pem

which fills in the cluster IP address and username automatically.

From the head node, run aws configure to set up the head node with credentials for accessing the necessary AWS S3 resources.

Running the Pipeline

The pipeline is initiated on the head node of the cluster by calling the script with an input csv file provided by the user, e.g.:

bash /shared/workspace/software/cview/pipeline/ /shared/runfiles/cview_test_run.csv

This file should have a header line in the following format:


It must then contain one or more data lines, each of which will trigger a run of the specified part(s) of the pipeline on a specified sequencing run dataset.

The fields are:

Field Name Allowed Values Description
function cumulative_pipeline, pipeline, variants_qc, variants, sample, qc, lineages, phylogeny, cummulative_lineages, or cumulative_phylogeny Specifies the type of functionality that should be run. See details below
organization ucsd or helix Specifies the organization from which all the samples in the current sequencing run are assumed to originate. Helix sequencing runs can be combined only with data from other helix sequencing runs at the lineage and/or alignment-building steps.
seq_run a string such as "210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY" Specifies the sequencing center's identifier of the sequencing run to be processed, if relevant to the function provided.
merge_lanes true or false Indicates whether the pipeline should attempt to merge sample read data across fastq files from multiple lanes.
primer_set artic or swift_v2 Specifies the primer set to use in trimming per-sample sorted bam files.
fq se or pe Indicates whether the pipeline should be run on only R1 reads in the sequencing run or on R1 and R2 reads.
read_cap a positive integer or all Specifies the maximum number of mapped reads per sample that should be used in the per-sample variant-calling and consensus-sequence-building functionality.
sample a string such as "SEARCH-10003__D101802__I22__210608_A00953_0321_BH7L5LDSX2__S470_L002" Specifies, for the sample to be processed, the part of the read one file name coming before _R1_001.fastq.gz.
timestamp a string such as "2021-07-09_22-44-27" Specifies the timestamp associated with the particular processing run that should be used.
is_test true or false Indicates whether data should be pulled from and written to the test S3 bucket (if true) or the production S3 bucket (if false)

The functions supported by the pipeline are:

Function Description
cumulative_pipeline This is the primary usage. Runs variant calling, consensus sequence generation, and QC for a specified sequencing run, followed by lineage calling and alignment building on the cumulative set of all QC-passing consensus sequences ever processed by the pipeline
pipeline Runs all pipeline functionality (including lineage calling and alignment building) for a specified sequencing run
variants_qc Runs variant calling, consensus sequence generation, and QC for a specified sequencing run
variants Runs variant calling and consensus sequence generation on all samples in the specified sequencing run
sample Runs variant calling and consensus sequence generation on the specified sample in the specified sequencing run for the specified timestamp
qc Runs QC on all outputs from the specified sequencing run processed under the specified timestamp
lineages Runs lineage calling on all QC-passing consensus sequences in the specified sequencing run
phylogeny Runs both lineage calling and alignment building on all QC-passing consensus sequences in the specified sequencing run
cumulative_lineages Runs lineage calling on the cumulative set of all QC-passing consensus sequences ever processed by the pipeline
cumulative_phylogeny Runs both lineage calling and alignment building on the cumulative set of all QC-passing consensus sequences ever processed by the pipeline

For all functions except sample, some of the input fields are ignored, as shown in the table below:

function organization seq_run merge_lanes primer_set fq read_cap sample timestamp istest
cumulative_pipeline ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY true or false artic or swift_v2 se or pe all or positive integer ignored ignored true or false
pipeline ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY true or false artic or swift_v2 se or pe all or positive integer ignored ignored true or false
variants_qc ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY true or false artic or swift_v2 se or pe all or positive integer ignored ignored true or false
variants ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY true or false artic or swift_v2 se or pe all or positive integer ignored ignored true or false
sample ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY true or false artic or swift_v2 se or pe all or positive integer e.g. SEARCH-17043__D101859__L01__210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY__S82_L001 e.g. 2021-04-15_16-13-59 true or false
qc ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY ignored ignored se or pe ignored ignored e.g. 2021-04-15_16-13-59 true or false
lineages ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored true or false
phylogeny ucsd or helix e.g 210409_A00953_0272_AH57WJDRXY ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored true or false
cumulative_lineages ucsd or helix ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored true or false
cumulative_phylogeny ucsd or helix ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored ignored true or false

An example input file might look like:



This software implements a high-throughput data processing pipeline to identify and charaterize SARS-CoV-2 variant sequences in specimens from COVID-19 positive hosts or environments.








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