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Steve Harris edited this page May 20, 2016 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the datasci4docs wiki!

We are going to set-up and run a 'data carpentry' style course for clinicians with a specific focus on critical care. Some of the sessions will be developed, presented, tested, and modified at the regular datascibc weekly meetings.

To attract a good audience and make sure the course is worthwhile for all then

  • it will map to specific parts of the RCOA and FICM curriculum
  • we will make available a variety of data sets for all (but encourage people to bring their own data and make it available for sharing and hosting) - we could provide the environment for this (?via figshare or similar).
  • it will have a clear theme

Possible 'introductory' sessions

  • introduction to data science, why it's important, explosion in data in ITU, good visualisations that we've made in the past. Get people hyped up about this course. Maybe half an hour or so max?
  • excel sheets done right
  • tidying data in R
  • inspecting and simple data visualisation
  • statistics (perhaps done by following the format of 'Statistics done wrong' by Alex Reinhart)
  • R markdown and programmers notebooks / reproducible research

Course practicalities

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