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fanyin3639 committed May 9, 2020
1 parent d546ba8 commit 257dc11
Showing 1 changed file with 236 additions and 0 deletions.
236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
# Retokenization helpers.
# Use this to project span annotations from one tokenization to another.
# NOTE: please don't make this depend on any other jiant/ libraries; it would
# be nice to opensource this as a standalone utility.
# Current implementation is not fast; TODO to profile this and see why.

import functools
import re
from io import StringIO
from typing import Iterable, List, NewType, Sequence, Text, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np
from nltk.tokenize.simple import SpaceTokenizer
from scipy import sparse

# Use for fast alignment.
# install with: pip install python-Levenshtein
from Levenshtein.StringMatcher import StringMatcher

# Tokenizer instance for internal use.
_SIMPLE_TOKENIZER = SpaceTokenizer()
_SEP = " " # should match separator used by _SIMPLE_TOKENIZER

# Type alias for internal matricies
# Matrix = NewType("Matrix", Union[Type[sparse.csr_matrix], Type[np.ndarray]])

_DTYPE = np.int32

def _mat_from_blocks_dense(mb, n_chars_src, n_chars_tgt):
M = np.zeros((n_chars_src, n_chars_tgt), dtype=_DTYPE)
for i in range(len(mb)):
b = mb[i] # current block
# Fill in-between this block and last block
if i > 0:
lb = mb[i - 1] # last block
s0 = lb[0] + lb[2] # top
e0 = b[0] # bottom
s1 = lb[1] + lb[2] # left
e1 = b[1] # right
M[s0:e0, s1:e1] = 1
# Fill matching region on diagonal
M[b[0] : b[0] + b[2], b[1] : b[1] + b[2]] = 2 * np.identity(b[2], dtype=_DTYPE)
return M

def _mat_from_blocks_sparse(mb, n_chars_src, n_chars_tgt):
ridxs = []
cidxs = []
data = []
for i, b in enumerate(mb):
# Fill in-between this block and last block
if i > 0:
lb = mb[i - 1] # last block
s0 = lb[0] + lb[2] # top
l0 = b[0] - s0 # num rows
s1 = lb[1] + lb[2] # left
l1 = b[1] - s1 # num cols
idxs = np.indices((l0, l1))
ridxs.extend((s0 + idxs[0]).flatten()) # row indices
cidxs.extend((s1 + idxs[1]).flatten()) # col indices
data.extend(np.ones(l0 * l1, dtype=_DTYPE))

# Fill matching region on diagonal
ridxs.extend(range(b[0], b[0] + b[2]))
cidxs.extend(range(b[1], b[1] + b[2]))
data.extend(2 * np.ones(b[2], dtype=_DTYPE))
M = sparse.csr_matrix((data, (ridxs, cidxs)), shape=(n_chars_src, n_chars_tgt))
return M

def _mat_from_spans_dense(spans: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], n_chars: int):
"""Construct a token-to-char matrix from a list of char spans."""
M = np.zeros((len(spans), n_chars), dtype=_DTYPE)
for i, s in enumerate(spans):
M[i, s[0] : s[1]] = 1
return M

def _mat_from_spans_sparse(spans: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], n_chars: int):
"""Construct a token-to-char matrix from a list of char spans."""
ridxs = []
cidxs = []
for i, s in enumerate(spans):
ridxs.extend([i] * (s[1] - s[0])) # repeat token index
cidxs.extend(range(s[0], s[1])) # char indices
# assert len(ridxs) == len(cidxs)
data = np.ones(len(ridxs), dtype=_DTYPE)
return sparse.csr_matrix((data, (ridxs, cidxs)), shape=(len(spans), n_chars))

class TokenAligner(object):
"""Align two similiar tokenizations.
ta = TokenAligner(source_tokens, target_tokens)
target_span = ta.project_span(*source_span)
Uses Levenshtein distance to align two similar tokenizations, and provide
facilities to project indices and spans from the source tokenization to the
Let source contain m tokens and M chars, and target contain n tokens and N
chars. The token alignment is treated as a (sparse) m x n adjacency matrix
T representing the bipartite graph between the source and target tokens.
This is constructed by performing a character-level alignment using
Levenshtein distance to obtain a (M x N) character adjacency matrix C. We
then construct token-to-character matricies U (m x M) and V (n x N) and
construct T as:
T = (U C V')
where V' denotes the transpose.
Spans of non-aligned bytes are assumed to contain a many-to-many alignment
of all chars in that range. This can lead to unwanted alignments if, for
example, two consecutive tokens are mapped to escape sequences:
source: ["'s", "["]
target: ["'", "s", "["]
In the above case, "'s'" may be spuriously aligned to "'" while "["
has no character match with "s" or "[", and so is aligned to both. To
make a correct alignment more likely, ensure that the characters in target
correspond as closely as possible to those in source. For example, the
following will align correctly:
source: ["'s", "["]
target: ["'", "s", "["]

def token_to_char(self, text: str):
spans = _SIMPLE_TOKENIZER.span_tokenize(text)
# TODO(iftenney): compare performance of these implementations.
return _mat_from_spans_sparse(tuple(spans), len(text))
# return _mat_from_spans_dense(tuple(spans), len(text))

def _mat_from_blocks(
self, mb: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]], n_chars_src: int, n_chars_tgt: int
"""Construct a char-to-char matrix from a list of matching blocks.
mb is a sequence of (s1, s2, n_char) tuples, where s1 and s2 are the
start indices in the first and second sequence, and n_char is the
length of the block.
# TODO(iftenney): compare performance of these implementations.
# return _mat_from_blocks_sparse(mb, n_chars_src, n_chars_tgt)
return _mat_from_blocks_dense(mb, n_chars_src, n_chars_tgt)

def char_to_char(self, source: str, target: str):
# Run Levenshtein at character level.
sm = StringMatcher(seq1=source, seq2=target)
mb = sm.get_matching_blocks()
return self._mat_from_blocks(mb, len(source), len(target))

def __init__(self, source: Union[Iterable[str], str], target: Union[Iterable[str], str]):
# Coerce source and target to space-delimited string.
if not isinstance(source, str):
source = _SEP.join(source)
if not isinstance(target, str):
target = _SEP.join(target)

self.U = self.token_to_char(source) # (M x m)
self.V = self.token_to_char(target) # (N x n)
# Character transfer matrix (M x N)
self.C = self.char_to_char(source, target)
# Token transfer matrix (m x n)
self.T = self.U * self.C * self.V.T
# self.T =

def __str__(self):
return self.pprint()

def pprint(self, src_tokens=None, tgt_tokens=None) -> str:
"""Render as alignment table: src -> [tgts]"""
output = StringIO()
output.write("{:s}({:d}, {:d}):\n".format(self.__class__.__name__, *self.T.shape))
for i in range(self.T.shape[0]):
targs = sorted(list(self.project_tokens(i)))
output.write(" {:d} -> {:s}".format(i, str(targs)))
if src_tokens is not None and tgt_tokens is not None:
tgt_list = [tgt_tokens[j] for j in targs]
output.write("\t'{:s}' -> {:s}".format(src_tokens[i], str(tgt_list)))
return output.getvalue()

def project_tokens(self, idxs: Union[int, Sequence[int]]) -> Sequence[int]:
"""Project source token indices to target token indices."""
if isinstance(idxs, int):
idxs = [idxs]
return self.T[idxs].nonzero()[1] # column indices

def project_span(self, start, end) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Project a span from source to target.
Span end is taken to be exclusive, so this actually projects end - 1
and maps back to an exclusive target span.
tgt_idxs = self.project_tokens([start, end - 1])
return min(tgt_idxs), max(tgt_idxs) + 1

# Aligner functions. These take a raw string and return a tuple
# of a TokenAligner instance and a list of tokens.

def space_tokenize_with_eow(sentence):
"""Add </w> markers to ensure word-boundary alignment."""
return [t + "</w>" for t in sentence.split()]

def process_bert_wordpiece_for_alignment(t):
"""Add <w> markers to ensure word-boundary alignment."""
if t.startswith("##"):
return re.sub(r"^##", "", t)
return "<w>" + t

def space_tokenize_with_bow(sentence):
"""Add <w> markers to ensure word-boundary alignment."""
return ["<w>" + t for t in sentence.split()]

def align_bert(text, wpm_tokens):
# If using lowercase, do this for the source tokens for better matching.
do_lower_case = True
bow_tokens = space_tokenize_with_bow(text.lower() if do_lower_case else text)

# Align using <w> markers for stability w.r.t. word boundaries.
modified_wpm_tokens = list(map(process_bert_wordpiece_for_alignment, wpm_tokens))
ta = TokenAligner(bow_tokens, modified_wpm_tokens)
return ta

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