- Hepek-Components, typesafe helpers built around Scalatags and other HTML/CSS/JS frameworks/libraries
- Hepek, static site generator
- Hepek-Play, Play framework integration for Hepek-Components
These are used in both Hepek and Hepek-Play.
Can be used in a standalone projects also:
"ba.sake" %% "hepek-components" % "0.3.1+41-df1d576a-SNAPSHOT"
These are some of the features:
- statically typed templates
- typesafe grids
- typesafe form helpers
- markdown
- code highlighting
- math
Static site generator for developers. Adds these on top of Hepek-Components:
- automatic relative paths
- incremental rendering
- PDF rendering
You can tart with cloning the starter template,
or deploy+fork it with Netlify (yes, for free) in just a few clicks:
- docs
- examples
- source code of sake.ba
Contains additional goodies for easier integration with Play framework:
- write response using hepek's
without boilerplate - integration with Play's
- ScalaJS components
- integrate more CSS and JS libraries/frameworks