CommonJS Helpers for EST device data. Work in progress.
yarn add @tysonalcorn/est-helpers
npm install @tysonalcorn/est-helpers
import {Devices} from '@tysonalcorn/est-helpers';
logic to extract device data from EST report
let devices = data
let config = {
restartLoopsAfterPanel: true, // resets loop to 1 for each panel; loops are numbered consecutively by panel and then card otherwise
continuousAddressing: false, //if true, device addressing continues after each loop, even if on different cards (i.e. loop 3 would start with device 501)
separateAddressing: true, //restart device numbering after each loop, even if on the same card
facp: 'est3' //or 'io'; type of panel being used
const deviceSetter = new Devices(devices, config);
let loops = deviceSetter().getLoops(); //returns array with loop data
logic to allow user to edit loop numbers if necessary to match fire alarm drawings
//to merge devices with existing device data
devices = deviceSetter().setLoops(loops).merge(oldDevices);
//without merging with existing device data
devices = deviceSetter().setLoops(loops).init(); //returns array of device objects with loop data included
Without editing loops:
import {Devices} from '@tysonalcorn/est-helpers';
logic to extract device data from EST report
let devices = data
let config = {
restartLoopsAfterPanel: true, // resets loop to 1 for each panel; loops are numbered consecutively by panel and then card otherwise
continuousAddressing: false, //if true, device addressing continues after each loop, even if on different cards (i.e. loop 3 would start with device 501)
separateAddressing: true, //restart device numbering after each loop, even if on the same card. Will restart after panel if restartLoopsAfterPanel is true
facp: 'est3' //or 'io'; type of panel being used
const deviceSetter = new Devices(devices, config);
//to merge devices with existing device data
devices = deviceSetter().merge(oldDevices);
//without merging with existing device data
devices = deviceSetter().init();
panelCard: '0102',
panel: 1,
card: 2,
loop1: 1,
loop2: 2,
loops: [1,2]
panelName: 'FACP',
label: 'SD_1_DLR',
panel: 1,
card: 2,
address: 1,
message1: 'SMOKE DETECTOR L1D1',
message2: 'AT FACP',
model: 'PS',
barcode: '3902009904',
logicalAddress: '01020001',
type: 'SMOKE',
deviceType: '12',
scanned: true,
dualModule: false,
secondPort: false,
loop: 1,
alias: {},
custom: {},
shortName: 'Smoke',
panel: 1,
card: 2,
address: 1,
message1: 'SMOKE DETECTOR L1D1',
message2: 'ABOVE FACP',
model: 'PS',
barcode: null,
type: 'Smoke',
deviceType: '12',
scanned: false,
dualModule: false,
secondPort: false,
loop: 1,
alias: {},
custom: {},
shortName: 'Smoke',
import {Devices, createDialerStrings} from '@tysonalcorn/est-helpers';
logic to extract device data from EST report and accept user input
let devices = data
let config = {
restartLoopsAfterPanel: true,
continuousAddressing: false,
separateAddressing: true,
facp: 'est3'
const defaultStrings = ['trouble, sup, alarm'], defaultPartition = '01', defaultZone = '001';
const deviceSetter = new Devices(devices, config);
devices = deviceSetter().init();
const dialerStrings = createDialerStrings(devices, matchLabel, modcomLabel, defaultStrings, defaultPartition, defaultZone); //[{input: '', output: ''}...]
: Array of device objects with loop data
: User defined match string for device labels where '*' is used as a wild card, '@' is used to match the partition n-variable, and '#' is used to match the zone n-variable
- Given the device label
, match label'*_@-#'
would include the device in the dialer string input with a partition number of 1 and a zone number of 2
: User defined string that should be equal to the modcom label intended to be used in the 3-SDU rules
: Array of first event dialer strings to include by default. Can include 'trouble', 'sup', and 'alarm'
: User defined string that defines the partition for any first event dialer strings
: User defined string that defines the zone for any first event dialer strings
import {Devices, createNVarInput} from '@tysonalcorn/est-helpers';
logic to extract device data from EST report and accept user input
let devices = data
let config = {
restartLoopsAfterPanel: true,
continuousAddressing: false,
separateAddressing: true,
facp: 'est3'
const defaultStrings = ['trouble, sup, alarm'], defaultPartition = '01', defaultZone = '001';
const deviceSetter = new Devices(devices, config);
devices = deviceSetter().init();
const nVarInputs = createNVarInput(devices, matchLabel); //[{input: ''}...]
: Array of device objects with loop data
: User defined match string for device labels where '*' is used as a wild card and '#' is used to match the n-variable
- Given the device label
, match label'*_ANN#_*'
would include '3' in the n-variable input
Array of device type objects
import {constants} from '@tysonalcorn/est-helpers';
type: "Heat",
value: 10,
validBarcodes: [36, 38, 48],
names: ["HEAT"],
shortName: 'Heat',
event: "ALARM",
cid: 114
Array of objects containing data relevant to device barcodes
import {constants} from '@tysonalcorn/est-helpers';
type: 'io',
dual: false,
module: true,
defaultModel: 'IO',
value: 47,