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Library of LilyPond music score files, with a development environment for editing scores and generating output files.

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Library of LilyPond music score files, with a development environment for editing scores and generating output files.



The recommended way to install the build and development dependencies is with Nix. On non-NixOS systems, use the Determinate Systems Nix Installer.

Once Nix is installed, use nix develop to download the dependencies and activate the development shell, or, preferably, install direnv (for example, using these dotfiles) to automatically activate the environment when cd-ing into the project directory. Assuming you installed direnv, as well as just, and nushell (which will be installed when running nix develop), a automatic development environment can be created by running:

just init


If not using Nix, install the following dependencies via your preferred method. More information about each dependency can be found by clicking the "Homepage" link on each page listed below.

Recommended extra dependencies

For PDF viewing (macOS only):


Development commands are provided through just. Run just to see available "recipes," and just <recipe> --help/-h to get more information about a particular recipe.

Available recipes:
(run `just <recipe> --help/-h` for more info)
    check *hooks             # Run pre-commit hooks
    clean *search_term       # Remove pdfs
    compile *search_term     # Compile pdfs
    create *args             # Create new score
    deps *args               # List dependencies
    edit *args               # Open <score> in  and pdf viewer, recompiling on file changes
    find-recipe *search_term # Search available `just` recipes
    history *search_term     # Search project history
    info *search_term        # Get info about scores
    init *help               # Initialize direnv environment
    issue *args              # View issues
    open *search_term        # Open pdfs
    remote *web              # View remote repository
    settings *args           # View project settings
    stats *help              # View repository analytics
    templates *args          # View available templates
    update *help             # Update dependencies and score LilyPond version
    view-source *recipe      # View the source code for a recipe


Library of LilyPond music score files, with a development environment for editing scores and generating output files.





