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A Project focused on help people track how they feeling during a certain period of time

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Tety Assistente

CircleCI Coverage Status Code Health

Como desenvolver ?

TODO: Adicionar como instalar redis e rodar o celery localmente para funcionar o scrap localmente tambem

  1. Clone o repositório.
  2. Crie um virutalenv com o Python 3.6.1
  3. Ative o Virtualenv.
  4. Instale as dependencias.
  5. Configure a instancia com o .env
  6. Migre seus modelos para o Banco de Dados
  7. Execute os testes.
  8. Roda o servidor
git clone tetyassistente 
cd tetyassistente
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp contrib/env-sample .env
python migrate
python test
python runserver

Como fazer deploy ?


dokku help

Usage: dokku [--quiet|--trace|--rm-container|--rm|--force] COMMAND [command-specific-options]

Primary help options, type "dokku COMMAND:help" for more details, or dokku help --all to see all commands.


apps             List your apps
certs            Manage Dokku apps SSL (TLS) certs
checks           Show zero-downtime status
config           Display all global or app-specific config vars
docker-options   Display app's Docker options for all phases (or comma separated phase list)
domains          List domains
enter            Connect to a specific app container
events           Show the last events (-t follows)
help             Print the list of commands
logs             Show the last logs for an application
ls               Pretty listing of deployed applications and containers
nginx            Interact with Dokku's Nginx proxy
plugin           Print active plugins
proxy            Show proxy settings for app
ps               List processes running in app container(s)
run              Run a command in the environment of an application
shell            Spawn dokku shell
ssh-keys         Manage public ssh keys that are allowed to connect to Dokku
storage          Mount local volume / directories inside containers
tags             List all app image tags
trace            Enable dokku tracing
url              Show the first URL for an application (compatibility)
urls             Show all URLs for an application
version          Print dokku's version

Community plugin commands:

postgres   Plugin for managing Postgres services
redis      Plugin for managing Redis services


  • In report List - Each row has respective color as the type of the report
  • In report List - Table with reports must have type column
  • In Report Form - Align title center
  • Report type FEELING must have some kind score and/or thumbs up/down
  • Report time possible timezone divergence - must use Local timezone
  • Change Main Title
  • Make Report Create View has sentiment section
  • [ ]
  • [ ]


A Project focused on help people track how they feeling during a certain period of time






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