A nuget tools app,batch push,delete,list nuget package.
helps in managing visitors visiting the institutions for various reasons. It allows visitors to check-in digitally to eliminate the tedious registeration and other paperwork. Additionally, it also …
ASP.NET Core对象储存扩展包,支持Minio自建对象储存、阿里云OSS、腾讯云COS、七牛云Kodo、华为云OBS、百度云BOS、天翼云OOS经典版。
Android Virtual Keyboard Input via ADB (Useful for Test Automation)
💖 ASP.NET Core 8.0 全家桶教程,前后端分离后端接口,vue教程姊妹篇,官方文档:
设计模式超简单的解释 - An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns
Saleor Core: the high performance, composable, headless commerce API.
A cross-platform network media aggregation application
This is a distributed task management system base on .Net Core platform .
A multi-language cross-platform open source free software: Oybab Trading System.
🔌 ASP.NET Core lightweight plugin framework | ASP.NET Core 轻量级 插件框架 - 一分钟集成 | Vue.js frontend | JavaScript SDK
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The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
.NET Core or .NET Framework 4.0+ client for Redis and Redis Sentinel (2.8) and Cluster. Includes both synchronous and asynchronous clients.