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GoST - Go Safe Types

Gost is a Golang package that provides two safe generic types, Option and Result, inspired by Rust's Option and Result types. These types are designed to simplify working with optional and error-handling scenarios, reducing the need for excessive nil and error checks.

Option Type

The Option type represents an optional value and includes various methods for handling optional values.

Usage Examples

Returning Options

func maybe() gost.Option[int] {
    if /* some condition here */ {
        return gost.Some(10)

    return gost.None[int]()

val := maybe()

Wrapping Existing Functions

slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
target := 4

v := gost.AsOption(slices.BinarySearch(slice, target))

Checking Option State

if val.IsSome() {
    // Option has a value

if val.IsNone() {
    // Option is empty

Extracting Values

v := val.Unwrap()
v := val.UnwrapOr(10)
v := val.UnwrapOrElse(func() int { return calculateDefaultValue() })
v := val.UnwrapOrZero()

Panic, Fatal, Exit

v := val.UnwrapOrPanic("Value is required!")
v := val.UnwrapOrLogFatal("Fatal: Value is required!")
v := val.UnwrapOrExit(1)

Result Type

The Result type represents a value or an error and includes methods for handling successful results and errors.

Usage Examples

Creating Results

func risky() gost.Result[int] {
    v, err := /* some risky function call */
    if err != nil {
        return gost.Ok(v)

    return gost.Error[int](err)

val := risky()

Wrapping Existing Functions

val := gost.AsResult(os.ReadFile("non-existent-file.txt"))

Checking Result State

if val.IsOk() {
    // Result is successful

if val.IsError() {
    // Result is an error

Extracting Values And Errors

v := val.Unwrap()
err := val.UnwrapError()
v := val.UnwrapOr("Default")
v := val.UnwrapOrElse(func() string { return calculateDefaultString() })
v := val.UnwrapOrZero()

Panic, Fatal, and Exit

v := val.UnwrapOrPanic()
v := val.UnwrapOrLogFatal()
v := val.UnwrapOrExit(1)
v := val.UnwrapOrDynamicExit(func(err error) int { return calculateExitCode(err) })

"Pattern Matching"

You can also handle Result and Options using a sort of pattern matching syntax:

val := gost.AsOption(slices.BinarySearch([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 10)).
        OnSome(func(v *int) *int { return v }).
        OnNone(func() int { return -1 })

val := gost.AsResult(os.ReadFile("non-existent-file.txt")).
        OnOk(func(v *[]byte) *[]byte { return v }).
        OnError(func(e error) []byte { return []byte{} })

This is syntax is very limited in his extensibility due to the lack of generics on golang struct methods, thus it only comes handy when you need some side effects while extracting the option or result inner value.

func respondSuccess[T any](w http.ResponseWriter, v T) {
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
    return v

func respondNotFound[T any](w http.ResponseWriter, v T) T {
    return v

func userHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
        OnSome(func(v *int) *int { return respondSuccess(w, v) }).
        OnNone(func() int { return respondNotFound(w, v) })


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