twmills LLC, Onramp Funds
- Austin, Texas
- twmills.com
- @twmills
- Pro
Fast drag and drop for any experience on any tech stack
An example Turbo Native backend to use Jumpstart Pro iOS / Android with existing Ruby on Rails apps
Accompanying code for my "Turbo Native in 15 minutes" video.
Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups
A simple modular component for react native (iOS) to capture a signature as an image
Search engine like fulltext query support for ActiveRecord
Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one
Mark pull request Slack mentions when PR approved
Use ActiveRecord transactional callbacks outside of models, literally everywhere in your application.
The reverse job board for Ruby on Rails developers.
Mechanism to run testable one-off jobs in Rails at deploy time to manipulate data
Provide methods to find the only record that meets a criteria
🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
From apprentice to master (CC BY-NC-ND)
🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
A list of Ruby gems that have known memory leaks (and issues)
The official ShippingEasy API client for PHP.
Ruby production code coverage collection and reporting (line of code usage)
The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
Unique resque queues using redis 2.6.0 scripting, sets and not much else
Scripts for deploying chef to the Rackspace Cloud
IRB meets Zork -- navigate the twisting labyrinth of ruby ORM classes
A strategy to secure large (or small) amounts of data for transfer over web services.
just an update of technoweenie's us_states for rails 2.2
Determine how well your engine will run under certain meteorological and geological conditions