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TWFG CI/CD bot edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the TinyWeatherForecastGermanyScan wiki!

For more information about the project TinyWeatherForecastGermany please see here:


Why is the official ExodusPrivacy1 report not up to date with the information provided by this repository?

Well ExodusPrivacy fetches apk files from either the F-Droid Store or the Google Play Store. At the time of writing (End of August 2021) TinyWeatherForecastGermany is only present in the F-Droid Store. But new releases don't appear immediatly there as thay run through a approval process to check if all required criteria are set. So scanning new releases before the completion of this process would require the possibility of a manual apk file upload. (Witch is not present to the understanding of the author).

To provide independent reports on the potential use of tracking and other technologies that might harm the users privacy the author set up this repository containing a GitHub Actions workflow executing a python tools pipeline based on the exodus-core2 module.

Notice: the author (Jean-Luc Tibaux -> @eugenoptic) is not affliated with the organizations running F-Droid or ExodusPrivacy or related individuals. The lines above describe intel compiled from personal experiences. So please take this in consideration when reading the given information above. In general your mileage may vary. Don't rely on this information as a basis for decisions concerning commercial or in general critical environments.

1 -> alternative writing: εxodus

2 -> copyright: ExodusPrivacy. license: AGPLv3 (GNU Affero General Public License v3.0)