A bit silly couple-liner that streams catloaf images from Reddit straight to a tiny FastAPI app.
Thanks to django.contrib.postgres.search
module we can easily use PostgreSQL’s full text search functionality.
Classes such as SearchVector
and SearchRank
allow to narrow down fields and pick the most relevant results from a queryset.
There is Django calling Google Books API on the backend and returning its json responses. And there is Vue from cdn accepting queries and displaying fetched results.
A FastAPI CRUD example with SQLModel.
Basic Sanic CRUD with MongoDB using a sanic-motor wrapper.
Rethinking a small app on Django using pure Javascript and LocalStorage.
The app allows to add, edit, delete, copy and sort (on desktop) items.
Works on Netlify: https://simply-todo-list.netlify.app/
The same old to-do list with a backend switched from Django to Flask just for the sake of trying. Authentication and CRUD are in place, other features omitted.
Works on Heroku: https://stlf.herokuapp.com/
Dockerized web app with Nginx. Build images locally with Nginx listening on port 8000
bash run-compose.sh
or compose with premade images and with Nginx on port 80
bash run-prod-compose.sh
Here's a Telegram bot that can send a random comic from xkcd.com and fetch its explanation from explainxkcd.com.