##Summary .md files generator for TEI files##
Warning: Under construction. This file documents the intents, not necessarilly current output.
- General
- Content Summary
- Header Summary
- Tag Usage Summary
- Expose availability element content so people know what licence it is under
- If there is a particDesc/listPerson or settingDesc/listPlacethen list the number of people/places?
####Content Summary####
Content summary is a table of contents for the document. Where no internal hierarchy is present, the incipit is given.
Ideas for the content:
- List types of text content: I.e. is there drama? speech? prose? verse?
- Is there a facsimile or sourceDoc?
####Header Summary####
Currently off by default. Header summary contains information harvested from teiHeader section of the document presented in human-readable form. High level elements eg fileDesc, profileDesc, encodingDesc are rendered as appropriate md headings using #
Some elements may get specific treatment to present data in traditional form (eg publicationStmt). Prose content is rendered as paragraphs. Structured content is rendered as lists.
Ideas for the header:
- Expose availability element content so people know what licence it is under
- List TitleStmt contents especially the respStmts
- If there is a particDesc/listPerson or settingDesc/listPlacethen list the number of people/places?
- Do something with it if there is a taxonomy?
####Tag Usage Summary####
- element list (with frequency) plus nested attributes lists (with frequency and distinct attribute values listed as well)
- special interest statistics
- entities summary: listPerson, listPlace etc
- transcriptional features summary (gaps, corrections, expansions, regularization etc)
- critical apparatus summary (listWit, number of apparatus entries etc)
- tbc
- list distinct-values element/attribute name combinations inside //text