This repository holds the code used to generate single path randomized mazes based off two important parameters: number of turns and path length. The code has been provided in MATLAB and Python. Documentation
The algorithm is as follows:
Inputs: number of turns (num_turns), number of blocks / spaces to travel (path_length), x maximum (gridX), Y maximum (gridY), and maximum number of iterations (maxIter)
Output: Visualization of maze
noPath = True
while noPath:
Create an array random directions that satisifies num_turns and path_length called directions
Randomly choose a starting location, called agent_position
for i in directions:
Calculate new position and append to agent_position
if agent_position overlaps:
noOverlap = False
noOverlap = True
if agent_position within grid bounds:
withinBounds = True
withinBounds = False
if noOverlap and not withinBounds:
Shift maze position to try to get within bounds
if noOverlap and withinBounds:
noPath = False
Plot maze
Below is the python code within Google Colab Notebook.