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Regular path expressions for Java object networks and Clojure data structures.


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Clj-rpe is a Clojure library that implements Regular Path Expressions (RPEs) on Clojure data structures and arbitrary Java objects. It enables you to retrieve the ordered set of objects reachable from a given start object (or set of start objects) by traversing a path conforming to a regular path description.

A regular path description is a declarative means to specify allowed paths in some object structure in terms of keys in a map or fields/methods in classes. Those can be composed using regular operators such as sequence, option, alternative, and iterations.

You can get this library from Clojars.

RPEs were originally to conceived and implemented for graphs by the working group for the graph query language GReQL. However, one can view any map as a graph, where the keys are the edges and the values are the nodes. Likewise, one can view any object net as a graph, where the field and method names are the edges, and the field values and objects returned by methods are the nodes. And finally, any Clojure function of arity one can be viewed as an edge, and its return value is the node at the other side.


Add a (:use clj-rpe.core) to your namespace declaration, and you are ready to go.

Clj-rpe works for Clojure data structures (maps, records) and arbitrary Java objects. We'll start with the former. For demonstration purposes, we'll define some map m. m could also be a record, because that's essentially a map as well.

(def m {:a 1
        "b" {1 "One", 2 "Two", 3 "Three"}
        :c {:foo {:x :foox, :y :fooy}
            :bar {:x :barx, :y :bary}
            :baz {:x :bazx, :y :bazy, :z :bazz}}
        :x {:y {:x {:y {:x {:y "Got me!"}}}}}})

The main function of clj-rpe is rpe. It gets a start object (or a collection of start objects) and a regular path description and returns the ordered set of reachable objects. In case of a map (or record), the most simple path description is just a key that's looked up in the map.

What objects can be reached from m by traversing a path consisting only of the key :a?

(rpe m :a)
;=> #{1}
(rpe m "b")
;=> #{{1 "One", 2 "Two", 3 "Three"}}

What happens when we use a key that's not in the map?

(rpe m 'unkn0wn)
;=> #{}

We cannot reach anything inside m with that key, so the returned set is empty.

Regular Path Descriptions

Building upon the simple path descriptions (aka, keys in a map), we can define regular path descriptions using the operators discussed in this section.

Sequence. The function rpe-seq is the path sequence returning the objects reachable by traversing one path description after the other. It is a function, but usually you invoke it thru rpe.

(rpe m [rpe-seq :c :bar :y])
;=> #{:bary}

Option. The function rpe-opt is the path option. For example, let's get all objects reachable by the path sequence in the last example except for :y being traversed optionally now.

(rpe m [rpe-seq :c :bar [rpe-opt :y]])
;=> #{{:y :bary, :x :barx}

Alternative. The function rpe-alt is the path alternative. For example, let's get all values of the :y key in :foo, :bar, and :baz submaps.

(rpe m [rpe-seq :c [rpe-alt :foo :bar :baz] :y])
;=> #{:fooy :bary :bazy}

Iteration. The function rpe-+ is the one-or-many path iteration, the function rpe-* is the zero-or-many path iteration.

What can we reach by iterating an alternating path of :x and :y keys?

(rpe m [rpe-+ [rpe-seq :x :y]])
;=> #{{:x {:y {:x {:y "Got me!"}}}}
      {:x {:y "Got me!"}}
      "Got me!"}

Exponent. The function rpe-exp is the path exponent. It either iterates the given path description a fixed number of times, or at least as often as the given lower bound but at most as the given upper bound.

(rpe m [rpe-exp 3 [rpe-seq :x :y]])
;=> #{"Got me!"}
(rpe m [rpe-exp 2 19 [rpe-seq :x :y]])
;=> #{{:x {:y "Got me!"}}
      "Got me!"}

The iteration stops as soon as the last iteration doesn't find anything new.

Restriction. The function rpe-restr is the path restriction. It's just filter with swapped arguments, and it ensures that an ordered set is returned.

(rpe m [rpe-seq [rpe-+ [rpe-seq :x :y]]
                [rpe-restr string?]])
;=> #{"Got me!"}

RPEs on arbitrary Java objects

As already mentioned above, those RPEs also work on arbitrary Java objects and Clojure data types defined with deftype. For those, the "edges" are the field names specified using keywords and the method names specified using symbols. For the sake of simplicity, let's discuss them using class objects and the reflection API.

What are the superclasses of Long?

(rpe Long [rpe-+ 'getSuperclass])
;=> #{java.lang.Number java.lang.Object}

getSuperclass is a method defined in the class Class which returns the classes superclass (or nil for Object), and by iterating such an "edge" one or many times, we get all superclasses.

What about all supertypes, e.g., classes and interfaces? We simply use an alternative.

(rpe Long [rpe-+ [rpe-alt 'getSuperclass 'getInterfaces]])
;=> #{java.lang.Number java.lang.Comparable

What's the set of return types of all methods in the class Long?

(rpe Long [rpe-seq 'getMethods 'getReturnType])
;=> #{int boolean java.lang.String long java.lang.Long
      byte short float double void java.lang.Class}

What if we only want to recognize getter methods?

(rpe Long [rpe-seq 'getMethods
                   [rpe-restr #(re-matches #"^get.*" (.getName %))]
;=> #{java.lang.Long java.lang.Class}

What if we want to check both Long and String?

(rpe [Long String]
     [rpe-seq 'getMethods
              [rpe-restr #(re-matches #"^get.*" (.getName %))]
;=> #{java.lang.Long java.lang.Class void [B}

The void is strange for a getter, but there's in fact a String.getBytes(...) method that returns nothing...

Since I cannot find any standard Java classes with public fields, let's consider this simple Clojure type with a val field. In RPEs, fields are accessed using keywords.

(defprotocol Successor
  (succ [this]))

(deftype Int [val]
  (succ [_]
    (Int. (inc val))))

So what do we get when we start with the Int zero and traverse 10 succ "edges" and then a val "edge"?

(rpe (Int. 0) [rpe-seq [rpe-exp 10 succ] :val])
;=> #{10}

This example also demonstrated that functions of arity one like succ may be used as "edges", too. If a function throws an exception (possibly, because it's not applicable for the object given to it, which easily happens in RPEs with alternatives and iteration), the exception is caught, except for arity exceptions, because those are clearly usage errors.

(rpe 7 quot)
; ArityException, because quot wants 2 args
(rpe "foo" inc)
;=> #{} ;; Correct arity, but simply not applicable and thus the empty set

Ok, that's all. Have fun!


Copyright (C) 2012 Tassilo Horn [email protected]

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Regular path expressions for Java object networks and Clojure data structures.







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