Framework:spring mvc(spring boot) + mybatis + maven
How to start:
a) mvn spring-boot:run or run function main of SampleTomcatJspApplication
b) access https://localhost:8080
Development Environment: eclipse + jdk7 + maven
Include features:
a) Restful
b) findbug
c) checkstyle
d) spring security
e) Common mybatis mapper
Use for the database operation. More refer: https://www.mybatis.org/mybatis-3/ About common mapper: The project imports a third-party mapper3.jar for common curd. a) Link: https://github.com/abel533/Mapper https://www.mybatis.tk/ b) Please add annotation @Transient over model attribute while it is not a table column of db.
- 用户及角色管理
- spring + security登录
- 模板技术
- 后台登录
- 表单前后端验证
- 国际化
- pagination https://github.com/abel533/Mapper