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It's all about
In this org you can find all our open source projects.
Feel free to contribute! 😉
For more information see our job opportunities.
Advanced Python CLI to rotate the secret used for ansible vault inline secrets and files in a project
A extension for the Robot Framework to run and manage CircleCI pipelines
Deploy static files to s3 and invalidate CloudFront cache
Run semantic-release in your pipeline
Run pact tests in your pipelines and verify results to make sure your deployments adhere to the contract
Library to interact with the MailTrap API using Python code
Python 2
This plugin converts the trustbadge-config.json file for Trustbadge into a set of resources that the Trustbadge library can use.
Spring Boot Starter making it easy to work with path based keycloak configuration
Advanced Python CLI to rotate the secret used for ansible vault inline secrets and files in a project