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Built using Jekyll, published on Github Pages

Available GitHub workflows and necessary secrets

Add post (add-post.yml)

Creates a new zoom-session post for a date.

Needs MY_TOKEN secret with your personal access token to commit and push the result back to repository. Updates commited without your token will not trigger pages build.

Mark past sessions (mark-past.yml)

Marks session posts with session date that is before the script run time as past: true

Needs MY_TOKEN secret to commit and push the result back to repository.

If no posts are marked, nothing is commited.

Send telegram notifications (telegram-notify.yml)

Runs after GitHub Pages build.

Sends links to new posts to a Telegram channel. Stores post names that had notifications in a workflow artifact, so further runs don't spam notifications.


  • NOTIFY_ARTIFACT_NAME — secret to name the file. Can be something like artifact.json (should be a json file)
  • NOTIFY_CHAT_ID — for a chat to send notifications to. Right now set to @sessions_pub, you can set your own. For a private chat it will be numerical id, you will need a special bot to get your private chat id.
  • NOTIFY_TOKEN — your bot token (you should get it from @BotFather)

Automated site flow

  1. Run Add post or create a new post and commit and push the result
  2. GitHub Pages workflow should build and publish the new version
  3. Send telegram notifications should run after that and send notifications for posts that need them
  4. Mark past sessions should run at scheduled time each day and mark posts as past: true (step 3 should run in case some posts changed)

About website templates, posts and GitHub Actions








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