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Oh My Zsh Plugin - Brave Browser Profiles

This plugin for Oh My Zsh makes it easier to manage your Brave Browser profiles. With this plugin, you can start Brave Browser with a specific user profile by using the brave command followed by the profile's name. The plugin also implements autocompletion for the profile names so you won't have to type the entire profile name manually.


There are two ways to install this plugin:

1. Automatic installation:

Add this snippet to your .zshrc file:

# Check for the brave-profiles plugin and install if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "${ZSH_CUSTOM:-${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/braveprofiles" ]; then
    git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/braveprofiles

Then, source your .zshrc:

source ${HOME}/.zshrc

2. Manual installation:

First, clone this repository into $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins (by default this is ${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins):

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/braveprofiles

3. Enable plugin:

Next, add the braveprofiles plugin to your .zshrc file plugins list. Here's an example:

plugins=(… braveprofiles)

Finally, source your .zshrc to apply the changes:

source ${HOME}/.zshrc


To start Brave Browser with a specific profile, simply type brave followed by the profile's name:

brave profile-name

As soon as you start typing the brave command and then press the space and Tab keys, Oh My Zsh will suggest available profile names. Continue typing the intended profile name, and the shell will continue to suggest matching profiles.


To manually update the plugin, go to its directory (${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/braveprofiles by default), and run git pull.

To set up automatic updates whenever you start a new shell session, add these lines to your .zshrc:

update_custom_plugins() {
  # Check the zstyle value for auto-update
  local mode
  zstyle -g mode ':omz:update' mode 

  # If the mode is not 'auto', exit
  if [[ "$mode" != 'auto' ]]; then

  local plugins_path="${ZSH_CUSTOM:-${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins"
  local plugin
  for plugin in "$plugins_path"/*; do
    if [ -d "$plugin/.git" ]; then
      # Quietly attempt to update the plugin
      local git_output
      git_output=$(git -C "$plugin" pull 2>/dev/null)
      # If the output does not include the "Already up to date." string,
      # then an update was performed.
      if [[ "$git_output" != *"Already up to date."* ]]; then
        echo "Updated ${plugin##*/}!"

# Run the updates

After saving these changes to .zshrc, the plugin will automatically make sure it's updated to the latest version whenever you open a new shell session.