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Releases: trobonox/kanri

Kanri v0.7.1

24 Jun 09:51
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A smaller release which brings a few smaller changes and miscellaneous fixes.


  • Search bar now also includes tags
  • Trello imports now also import tags and due dates
  • Fix an issue where Kanri imports/exports do not keep track of due dates and tags
  • Fix broken Kanri imports on boards that never had any tags
  • Automatically resize the input when editing the name of a card in the edit popup
  • Only scroll to the bottom of a column when adding cards to the bottom
  • Allow resizing the card description by dragging
  • Add confirmation messages when imports/exports are successful
  • Correctly handle text contrast on Tags with lighter colors
  • Updated dependencies (as always)

Thanks for using Kanri and feel free to provide feedback or bug reports on Discord or using GitHub issues.

Kanri v0.7.0

12 Jun 20:30
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This is a big one, so get ready for a longer read!
First of all, thanks to everyone who is still around and showing support despite development being slow. I've had a bit more time in the last weeks, which has allowed me to work on a lot of new features, so v0.7 will feature all fixes and small changes of the last few months, plus my recent efforts to add some nice new features.

Major new updates:

  • Card tags
  • Due dates on cards (no reminders for now, might be added if enough people request it)
  • Search bar for cards
  • Move toggle for card color next to the card title inside the card edit window
  • Added a section for Kanban settings featuring preferences for global zoom, a new toggle to add cards to the top of a column and the option to show how many cards are in each column

Smaller features:

  • Add a toggle to reverse sorting order
  • Allow modifiying hex codes by just typing them/pasting them (card colors, custom themes)
  • Change settings about the board background without needing to press the save button
  • Minor layout improvements like elements filling up more screen space (top actions bar and columns)
  • Scroll newly created cards into view if the columns have a scrollbar
  • Cleaned up help popup with visualized keyboard shortcuts


  • Fix keyboard shortcut conflict by adding extra alt modifier to arrow key shortcuts
  • Fix an issue where full importing from Kanri does not work if you never had a custom theme set
  • Fix behaviour where just opening a board registers it as edited (messed up sorting by last edited)
  • Fix card task checkbox shrinking when entry is over one line long
  • Added error logging to make debugging easier
  • Remove background blur for the card edit window (allows reading a bit of the board behind)
  • Removed the library for dropdown menus and tooltips (should fix some strange bugs on Linux, see #541)

Enjoy the release and thanks for your patience!

Kanri v0.6.1

20 Dec 13:22
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Small release pushing a hotfix to a bug breaking a basic feature:

  • Fixed a bug where the checkbox status of card tasks was not persistently saved

That's all, I apologize for any inconveniences caused and hope you still enjoy using the app!
Thanks and feel free to provide any feedback or bug reports using GitHub issues.

Kanri v0.6.0

09 Dec 19:09
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Another release that's a bit bigger after some time with no release. Featuring some new features and a lot of small improvements.

New features - main changes

  • Rich text support for card descriptions (using shortcuts similar to Markdown)
  • Custom colors for cards
  • Improved light mode
  • Directly edit columns from the popup for creating a new board
  • Import checklist items from Trello®
  • Feature to disable all animations from settings
  • Clicking on the Kanri icon in the sidebar acts as a home button

Other fixes and improvements

  • Fixed contrast issues with logo, board title and double click on card name
  • Split up import and export menu into two tabs to make the import/export menu less cluttered
  • Progress bar for card tasks inside card modal
  • Allow importing board with already existing ID as a duplicate with another ID
  • Improved zoom buttons

Contributions by external contributors:

  • feat: add custom color option for cards by @Khusyasy in #396
  • fix: import nuxt composables from #imports by @danielroe in #405
  • feat: improvements to zoom function by @pnxl in #449
  • styles: improve light mode elevation colours by @pnxl in #452

Thanks for your contributions!

As always, enjoy the release and feel free to provide feedback on Discord, Email or using GitHub issues.

Kanri v0.5.1

14 Sep 15:24
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In time for 300 stars, a small release featuring a few bugfixes and one new feature.

Thanks to everyone for 300 stars, this is a great milestone 🎉

New feature:

  • Edit sub-tasks of a card by double-clicking or using the pencil icon next to them.

Other changes/bugfixes:

  • Add delete confirmation when using the keyboard shortcut to delete a column
  • Fix typo in card delete confirmation
  • Fix resetting the background image of a board
  • Re-enable drag and drop after editing the title of a column by clicking on it
  • Fix default card color display in board thumbnails (after changing back from another color)
  • Fix display of long card sub-tasks
  • Improve navigation on import and settings page by adding back arrow

If you encounter any bugs or have other feedback, feel free to open an issue or reach out over email.

Kanri v0.5.0

07 Sep 08:28
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A bigger release with a lot of small features which have been in the works for some weeks.

M1/M2 users, please run this command in the Terminal to be able to open the app:

xattr -cr /Applications/

New features:

  • Confirmation for deleting columns and cards (bypass using double-click)
  • Indicator for card description and tasks
  • Reorder card tasks using drag and drop
  • Horizontally scroll a board with a scroll bar by just dragging on empty space
  • Allow closing the popup to change the board background by clicking outside if no values have been changed

Fixes and other changes

  • Added the dark mode background color as a default to prevent white flashing on initial load
  • Reflect card colors and board title in thumbnails
  • Minor design overhaul
  • Fix overflowing text in thumbnails
  • Launched landing page at
  • Update card transitions to remove weird color transitions when reordering

Enjoy :)
Feedback is always appreciated.

Kanri v0.4.3

16 Jul 08:03
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MacOS users can use the releases below or install with Homebrew using following commands:

brew tap trobonox/cask
brew install kanri

Small patch release featuring following changes:

  • Updated dependencies
  • Linux incompatibility/critical bug should finally be fixed
  • Improved thumbnails with more detail and background image render on main page (limited to 25 boards to prevent performance hits)
  • Lazy load board preview components

Feedback and feature requests are always appreciated.

Kanri v0.4.2

30 May 11:38
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Small release featuring some more package updates, new icons on the sidebar and the fix from the last version has been reverted because it has caused a severe bug on Linux.

If this issue still happens, please revert to using version 0.4.0.
Apologies for the issue!

Kanri v0.4.1

20 May 11:14
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Small patch after quite a while, featuring updated dependencies and a fix to prevent data loss when shutting down without closing the app first.

Enjoy! Feedback and feature requests are always appreciated.

Kanri v0.4.0

04 Mar 10:12
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Another bigger release, adding some new features to Kanban boards.

New Features:

  • Animation for deleting cards
  • Custom card colors
  • Board and full data imports from Kanri, KanbanElectron and Trello®
  • Add card sub-tasks
  • Add three dot menu in board view to remove visual clutter

Fixes and other changes:

  • Fix fonts on settings page after opening Rust license page
  • Fix persistent board zoom setting using plus and minus buttons
  • Use cuid2 to generate better unique IDs
  • Improve default dark mode colors
  • Properly delete all data from settings

Example screenshot:


Enjoy! Feedback and feature requests are always appreciated.
For support or other questions, you can join the official Discord server.